Sydenham Campus Principal Message

Welcome to 2020

New Staff

A very warm welcome back to school to our new and returning families, we are very pleased to have the opportunity of working with you all. We also have a number of new staff on our campus, some of whom are new to our campus and others new to our college: Mr Hasip Eng/Hums H Team Leader, Ms Heaney Food Tech, Ms Williams Art/Tech, Mr Gibson Eng/Hum, Ms Slattery Maths/Science, Mr Riccobene PE/Health, Ms Walsh PE/Health, Mr Bassily Maths/Science, Ms Pearson Psychologist and Mr Fuller Music who are all new to the college; Ms Spence English Leading Teacher from KP and Ms Veljanovski Campus Principal from Delahey, and Ms DuBois, Ms Cupic, Ms Adzic and Ms McMillan who are returning. A huge welcome to you all!!

Family Meet and Greet

Sydenham Campus Meet and Greet Evening was held on February 11 this year. Quite a good number of parents, particularly year 7 Parents, met and talked with teachers from 7pm to approximately 8:30pm. Thank you to all staff and parents who could attend.

Swimming Sports

Our college swimming sports were held on February 12. We had good participation rates from our year 7 and 8 students, with the sports being optional for years 9 and 10. Well done to all those who attended and competed!

Cybersafety Presentations

Year 8 and Year 9 students have all attended a Cybersafety Presentation provided by the Proactive Policing Unit of Victorian Police on February 18 and 20. We thank the presenters for a thoughtful and engaging talk that we’re sure would have had a lot of impact on our students.

Elevate Educate Sessions

Years 7, 8 and 10 students have been involved in these sessions which are taken by young people who have recent experience in becoming effective in their own learning. We are sure our students have gain some useful tips on how to manage their own learning better.

Mobile Phone Ban

Thank you to all parents for supporting this statewide ban. We are pleased that interruptions to learning are no longer occurring. But of course there are a few students who need to be reminded that their phones are to be in their lockers for the entire school day.

Pick Up and Drop Off at School

Could parents please be mindful of not blocking driveways into and out of the Child Minding Centre and Retirement Village when dropping off and picking up? We also ask parents to remind their children to use the supervised crossing; this is for their safety. Some parents are double parking and this makes crossing the road even more hazardous. The staff car parks are not for parent pick up, and the Gym car park is at times quite dangerous since staff often leaving to go to another campus for after school meetings. Please note that our new staff park is nearing completion – this will ease the strain for parents picking up their children, by providing more parking spots on the street.


All students had their photo taken on February 24 with a catch up day on March 11. Note that photos are now ordered through Compass.

As always a very busy start to the year! There are lots of opportunities for parents and students to become involved in the campus - remember you can contact us at any time with queries or suggestions.


Mr Mark Nugent and Ms Snezana Veljanovski

Campus Principals