Early Learning Centre

ELC Book Week Parade makes its way through the school

Early Learning Centre

Book Week was again a huge success for the Early Learning Centre. The children were asked to dress as their favourite book character. We had Princesses, Red Riding Hood, Superman, Cowboys, Firemen and Doctors just to mention a few. The highlight of our day was the walk around the school. We were lucky to have several families join us as we visited Reception classes, Primary and Senior Library, Tuckshop and even interrupted the school Executive meeting to parade. The children were absolutely delightful wherever they went. The children’s documentation of the event showed their interest and enthusiasm.


  • Benjamin showed Mr Cobiac in his “shiny suit” that he thought was probably a “robot costume”.
  • The detail in Scarlett’s drawing shows the children parading past her Mum’s classroom.

Friday saw the children taking part in Book Week assembly and then engaging in activities organised by Mrs Wilson from the Primary library. Each room participated in a different activity, stemming from a particular story.


  • Jack and the Beanstalk - Problem solving other ways Jack could get down the beanstalk
  • Eve and Elly – Conducting science experiments with salt and water
  • Where is Bear? – Pieces of Bear hidden around the room and then put together, followed by making own puzzles


We must once again thank Mrs Wilson for all the time and effort she puts into creating these opportunities for our children. She always amazes, challenges and includes us in school library life.


This week has been equally busy with our excursion to the Space Theatre to see “Beep” on Thursday 31 August. The whole week has been stimulating the sense of smell with the cooking of biscuits as Father’s Day gifts.


We farewell Mrs Jacqui Ballestrin as she has leave for the next four weeks. We will see her again in Term 4. We welcome Mrs Nicole Carapetis. Mrs Carapetis is very familiar with the children as she has done relief work with us in the past.


Get your pyjamas and slippers ready! – Thursday 7 September is “Pyjama Day”.


Mrs Karen McEntee

ELC Director