WW1 History Performance

                                WW1 History Performance

On Friday 11 August, Brett Hunt entertained and educated our Year 9 cohort about the reality of WW1 with his one-man performance ‘Fightin’ the Kaiser’. The performance explored why Australian men signed up to be part of a ‘great adventure’. His play highlighted the birth of the Anzac legend – the larrikin Australian with a disregard for authority. Brett’s performance emphasised the bond and mateship between the Australians, attitude towards the enemy and the conditions in the trenches. The play reinforces what the boys are currently studying in History and has given them a deeper understanding. The students were very attentive and interacted with the performance appropriately.

Below are some reflections from the students.


Ms Kathleen Johnson

Curriculum Leader – Sociocultural


Fridays WW1 play by Brett Hunt did not only enlighten us to the courageous spirits of the ANZACs but also the horror that was experienced by all fighters on the front line. The play then went deeper into showing us the ongoing pain of survivors that can often be forgotten.

Daniel Harker - 9T


I really enjoyed the play. Brett’s expression and emotions used in his performance made me feel like I was right there in the trenches with those soldiers. He played his characters with such passion and professionalism. I am so grateful that my teachers gave me the opportunity to see this performance. It was truly inspiring!

Blake Jordan - 9T


I liked the play very much as it was comedic but still contained factual evidence throughout the whole play. It also hid the gruelling facts with comedy and this was very clever. In this play I learnt the way men thought the war would be, and how traumatic is truly was.

Noah Blazeka - 9V


The WW1 play I attended was honestly a delight. The acting in the play was great and the way he incorporated everything was amusing. I also liked the story-telling aspect in it as well. The story was very engaging. Finally I learnt how harsh and mentally scary war is.

Emmanuel Reji - 9V