Year 10 UniSA Maths Experience Program

Mr Stephen Dowdy, Head of UniSA College, Youngmo Koo, Julian McPeake, Dr Amie Albrecht and Dr Adrian Grantham

Year 10 UniSA Maths Experience Program

Each year students are invited to nominate for this program which is run in collaboration with the School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences at Uni SA.


The Maths experience program engages students in an experiential program delivered by academic staff from UniSA and encourages students to develop connections with like-minded students from other schools. It also assists students to understand mathematical applications and provide career information about mathematically based careers. This year Youngmo (Silas) Koo and Julian McPeake were successful in their nomination and produced the best bridge on the day. Their reflection on their experience is below.


Miss Valerie Frost

Curriculum Leader - Mathematics


On Monday 21 August Silas and I attended the University of South Australia Year 10 Maths Experience. While allowing us a day away from school, the excursion to Mawson Lakes campus enabled us to explore the many careers available in Mathematics. After a communal debriefing in the Lecture Theatre, we split into groups to take part in mathematical activities.


First up was a game of SET, a combination card game devised by a scientist studying the genetic patterns of dogs, which proved to be difficult, but engaging. After playing the game for an hour, we dissected existing strategies for finding the greatest amount of SETS using probability. We then moved on to Topology; the study of shapes and spatial property. Using paper, we crafted such mathematical phenomena as the Mӧbius strip. This was quite interesting.


In the afternoon session, our group moved into the engineering faculty. We were handed a task to work on in pairs, so Silas and I teamed up. We were to design a bridge using no more than twenty lines. The bridges were to be printed out using the 3D printers on campus, and then have their efficiency compared. Silas and I got to work, and our bridge turned out to be the most effective in practice, using the least amount of material, and withstanding the greatest amount of force. We are shown in the photo above receiving our award for our efforts that evening when our bridges were put to the test in front of our parents and UniSA staff. All the staff and University students were a great help during the day. This experience allowed us to appreciate the role Mathematics has to play in multiple careers and everyday life.


Julian McPeake and Youngmo (Silas) Koo

Year 10 Students