Education News 

Welcome to our Foundation Students!

It has been a busy start for our new Foundation students as they settle in and make new friends. They have been experiencing developmental play in the classrooms, learning about Cranbourne South's 4Ps (Positivity, Persistence, Pride and Passion) and enjoyed their first Physical Vibe and STEAM sessions with our Lively Learning team.

Please let us know if you are interested in learning more about our literacy program or are able to volunteer in the classroom (mainly Mon - Thu from 9am).

Additionally, please make sure to book your appointment for your child's EOI/MOI testing, if you haven't already, which is taking place on Wednesdays.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please speak to your classroom teacher.

The Math Myth.

I was not good at maths when I was in Primary School, in fact I put it down to the fact that I did not have a “math brain.” Does this sound familiar? In my years of teaching experience I have seen the same mindset in many of my students. Thank goodness as a teacher I have also come to realise that maths ability is a shift in mindset. This year Maths @ CSPS will be working on mathematical mindsets to improve student learning in the application of mathematical concepts. Teachers will be working with students to create a culture in the way we think about maths: everyone can do well in math; that mistakes, struggle and persistence are all important; that mathematics is an open, growing subject, (as opposed to a closed, fixed subject); and that communicating, reasoning about, and justifying ideas are central acts in the work of mathematics.


Delvina Waiti

Learning Specialist - Maths Leader

Student Technology Subscriptions

Students will be coming home in the next week with passwords for a variety of  Educational apps designed to help both at school and at home.  Classroom teachers will assign tasks at the level necessary for your students. Please take some time to familiarise yourself with these apps and encourage your children to complete set tasks and explore these apps. They will further enhance the learning that occurs at school and along with regular home reading will help your children achieve the best results they can. They can be accessed on a device or a computer.


Engages students with Maths learning by blending motivations and rewards, and using best-practice theories of gamified learning, Mathletics keeps students engaged with maths. With fresh activities, challenges and regularly updated content, Mathletics always has something new to learn and fun to do.

Reading Eggs

ABC Reading Eggs makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. There are books to read, activities to complete and games to play. Students will be introduced to this program over the coming weeks. The staff are attending a professional development session on Thursday 6th February. 


Sound Waves is a synthetic phonics and word study program. Synthetic phonics is recognised as one of the most effective ways to teach spelling and reading skills. Students from Year 2 to 6 will be introduced to this program in the coming weeks with staff attending a professional development session on February 19 at a staff meeting. Our Foundation and Year 1 students will begin to explore this program at a later date. Stay tuned!


If you have any questions please see your classroom teacher.


Karen Halket - Leading Teacher


This year at Cranbourne South we are excited to be using Seesaw as a whole School. The amazing thing about Seesaw is that students can share their learning with their families. We understand being a parent is very busy work, and by using Seesaw, the staff at Cranbourne South can keep in touch about all the wonderful learning happening in classrooms. Staff will be sending out logins for families this week. Please log in and see all the amazing learning that has occurred in the first few weeks of school.

Jessica Doolan 

ICT Leader and Year 2 Classroom Teacher

Getting to know you conferences

next Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 12 February

By now you should have made an appointment to see your child/ren's classroom teacher for 2020 via Compass. These conferences are an opportunity for you to meet the 2020 class teacher and give the new class teacher as much information about your child as possible.  They are not about academic progress or comparisons. These conferences are called "Getting to know you" and that is what they are.


It is a good idea to have a plan as to what you would like to tell the class teacher.  Some questions to consider could be:

  1. What do you see as your child’s greatest strengths or skills? Tell them about a time when you saw your child demonstrating these skills.
  2. What can you tell the class teacher about your home life? Special events? Etc
  3. In December what do you hope your child says about his/her experience in school this year? What’s the story you hope he/she will tell? What are they most excited about?
  4. What are your fears or concerns about your child in this year of school?
  5. What goals do you consider your child may need?
  6. How does your child interact socially?
  7. What hobbies or interests does your child have?
  8. How and when would you like the teacher to be in touch with you this year? What do you hope they will  communicate with you about?
  9. Is there anything else you can tell them about your child that you think would help me support his/her learning?
  10. Is there a question you hope they will  ask you about your child?
  11. What can you do to support the learning of English and Mathematics at home?

We are looking forward to meeting with you all.