Second hand uniforms

From 1 November summer uniform must be worn. Until then students have the option to wear full winter or full summer uniform.
Families are encouraged to pass on uniform items they no longer need to the second-hand uniform shop to prepare for the expected demand as students prepare for 2019. Summer and winter items are needed and blazers or jumpers must have the new logo.
Items can be donated or sold on consignment. Reimbursement after sale of items is by bank transfer.
Please label all items clearly with:
- Seller's name and contact details
- BSB and Account Number
All items can be handed into the General Office.
VCE jumpers needed
The maroon jumpers worn by Year 11 and 12 students are urgently needed to meet the demand from Year 10 students going into Year 11. Only jumpers with the new logo will be accepted.
Year 12s please consider passing on your jumpers now!
Volunteers needed for 2019
At the end of this year Donna Harrison and Diane Weston, two of the volunteers in our Second-hand Uniform Shop, will be stepping down.
Geri Sumpter has kindly offered to take over the morning shift in 2019. The only difference being that this will be on a Friday morning from 8.15 to 9.15am. If anyone is able to assist Geri in the shop next year, please contact her on 0423 103 331.
To prepare for the role there will be opportunities for training and building experience before the end of the year.