Student Leadership 2019

Effective schools build a culture where teachers and students work together, and where student voice, agency and leadership are understood as inter-related factors that contribute to the notion of empowerment and sense of school pride. (FISO)
All families have been sent via Compass, the details for the Student Leadership program for 2019. There have been some changes made to the structure and the application process following a considerable consultation with students and staff. The major shift is with leaders being grouped into three teams - Senior, Middle and Junior, who will each meet on average three times each term. The focus will be in building teams of students to work together to achieve the goals they set and also building individual and team leadership capacity.
Students and parents are encouraged to go to Compass Events – Student Leadership 2019 – Make a Difference and download the relevant application form and role description. Please read all requirements carefully and gather any required signatures from a parent and relevant teacher - this could be a year level, Sub School, Domain or co-curricular staff member.
All completed forms are to be returned to the General Office. Student swill be able to hold only one leadership position in 2019. Students may apply for up to two but need to state their preference.
Please note that Senior School positions close 3.15pm on Friday 19 October
“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”
John F. Kennedy, Former US President
Ms Wendy Harvey
Director of Girls' Leadership