Principal's Message

Welcome back everybody
We are the school of choice for families from over 45 different suburbs, predominantly in Melbourne's South Eastern Region. Research shows that girls benefit from a single-sex education and this is the view of our school community who send 1150 students to our school.
The College is working towards the finalisation of the school's Masterplan. Stage One is the building of a dedicated Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) Centre. Studies have revealed that a single-sex school offers more opportunities for our girls to take on leadership roles and more of our girls are likely to access STEM subjects than in a co-educational school.
Over the holiday break that we were successful in our submission for the 'Pick My Project' community grants program to build an all-year running track and long-jump pit for our students. The oval has been in need of major upgrading for many years. The importance of physical exercise is well known and we look forward to sharing these facilities with the local community. The $199,880 is a wonderful investment in our school. My thanks go to Rachael Angus, parent and Vice-President of School Council, who co-sponsored the grant application with the College and to the local community who voted for the Getting Girls on Track project.
Funding for building projects rely on both the School Council and the school community being proactive in voicing the needs of the school. Thank you to those parents, staff and students who have taken the initiative to speak with local politicians or voted for our grant. Without this input, we will be under-resourced and overlooked. Please continue to assist the school in raising awareness of our need to inject funds into our wonderful school so that your daughters can attend a school that is as well-resourced as any co-educational school.
Ms Linda Brown