Physical Education

It’s wonderful to see all the students back at school running around enjoying life back at school. And it was great to see all the students keen to get back into PE. A reminder to wear your PE uniform and bring a water bottle and hat to all PE lessons.

During this time, all PE lessons need to be conducted outside, therefore if the weather is bad and we cannot go outside we will have to do a sedentary activity indoors such as theory health lessons, class Kahoots or team building/problem solving activities that can be completed inside.

In the Middle and Senior classes, we will be completing a Striking and Fielding Games unit which will focus on the key skills and strategies used in Cricket and Rounders. The Prep/1 students will be learning the Fundamental Motor skill of 1 handed and 2 handed strike which will also be incorporated into Striking and Fielding Games where the importance of turn taking and following rules will be encouraged.

Examples of work during Remote Learning

Yr 2-6 Exploring the Olympic Games;

Prep/1 Playing some Traditional Indigenous Games;


Dr Cranky’s Bike Hospital

Although Dr Cranky’s will not officially be running just yet I do have a few bikes which are ready to be given out to anyone who needs them. We mostly have bikes suitable for girls aged Yr 2-5. So if anyone is interested in getting a pre-loved bike please get in contact and I can see what we have. Also if you have any old bikes that you no longer use or have grown out of we are also happy to accept any donations if you have them; we have a few students who are in need of full size bikes. Again, please let me know by contacting me on the email below if you can help us out.


Rachel McLeary

PE Teacher