Learning Space Update 

'Each child benefits from an environment where ‘every person is known’.

Level Newsletters Term 4

Please find all Term 4 level newsletters previously shared with you via Dojo. You can also find the newsletters on our Website under 'news'. Thank you to our teaching teams for being so well organised and writing these for our families. Our newsletters are our overviews for learning for the term and a good way for you to be informed about what's happening in your children's learning spaces each week.


Level Prep Newsletter

Level 1/2 Newsletter

Level 3/4 Newsletter

Level 5/6 Newsletter

Focus on Prep

It has been a busy time in Prep with lots of wonderful learning happening. The Preps have been enjoying learning about the sacrament of Baptism, how to keep their bodies healthy and how mixing different ingredients together can create a reaction to make a ‘lava lamp’. Last week, the Preps also had fun dressing up with the rest of the school for Book Week. 

The preps have been using non-fiction books to learn facts about insects and animals. We chose three facts and used these to write an information reports. Aren’t they amazing!