
“Wherever there is a child, there is curiosity and where there is curiosity there is science.”

Welcome back to onsite learning. It was great to have the students back this week. Everyone is very enthusiastic to explore our investigations into Chemical Sciences in Term 4. 


The students in Year P/1 have been observing materials and their properties both at home and in the classroom environments and classified these objects according to materials.

Year 2/3/4 have explored the vocabulary associated with their Chemical Sciences topic. They also conducted an experiment using ice and explored how a change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat. They made predictions about which method used to melt the ice would be the quickest method and why.


Students in Year 4/5/6 also explored the vocabulary associated with their Chemical Sciences topic about solids, liquids and gases and created some word art using the words. They also had the opportunity to think about a Science Project Passion they would like to investigate during the term. 


Some of their investigations include:

“A project on the layers of the earth.”- Adelia

“The Procedure of Chemicals that merge and cause something.” – Andy

“How does distillation filter two elements without getting rid of the solvent?”- Selina