Endeavour House News

Winter sport has begun! Terms Two and Three for many of our boarders are consumed by hockey, netball, golf and football. Then we have an array of other activities like archery, dance, musical lessons, tutoring and many more. These are our busiest terms and that can be both a positive and a negative as the students are really busy and also get really tired. Managing the requirements of school work and social lives around this can be challenging.

The first weekend back in boarding we had the plumbing fail and water started coming out of the drains instead of going down them. Our gorgeous Endeavour boarders thought this was better than Rec! They found it to be loads of fun and all pitched in to help by putting towels and rugs on the floor to ensure the water didn’t travel very far down the passage.  Thanks to our lovely supervisor on the night Ms Franklin for her calm and reassuring manner. Ms Franklin fed them all brownie cake and kept them away from the water while we awaited the plumber’s arrival. Whilst the girls enjoyed the Saturday night entertainment, Mr Ball and I can live without it.

After school,  Woodwork has begun for this year. Every year, Mr Colgate offers to do Woodwork after school with our boarders and this term our new boarders will make the game Cornhole with Mr Colgate. We are looking forward to it being completed so we can play a game together. We will just need to get the sewing machine out to sew the beanbags before they finish the project. Thank you, Mr Colgate.


Happy birthday to Emmeline Cunningham and Camdyn Tapscott who both had birthdays this week.


Mrs Tara Ball | Head of Endeavour House