Recreation News

On offer for Recreation this term has been the Anzac Memorial, spotlight, Brig Amity tour, Emu Point, a bake off, card making, skate park, Eyre Park, cinema, fishing, Point Possession walk and the ever popular gym sessions. We continue to search for and offer new and interesting opportunities for our boarders. Week day gym sessions are now held on Tuesday and Thursday. 

We have begun offering the Senior School boarders the opportunity to go and watch their peers play sport and this has proved very popular. We ask that students are only out for three hours maximum whilst watching sport, this allows us to ensure our duty of care is fulfilled. To do this the students are required to book their own transport on the GSG bus to and from boarding. We entrust our students to stay where they have said they will be. This rule is also in place at ALAC or ALAC turf. If a boarder signs out to these locations they must be where they say they will be, as we need to know where they are at all times. 


We have found the Middle School boarders need at least one Recreation activity each weekend to ensure they are building relationships and enjoying the outdoors. Consequently, we will, on occasion, insist on Middle School students going on Recreation, and we find the students are calmer and more balanced when they use these opportunities.


Over the past year we have worked hard to build a culture of activity and feel we are making progress with this. Sometimes, our boarders opt to not go for the assigned recreational activity but put forward an alternate suggestion to the supervisor on shift. Fishing is popular at the moment. So where possible, we try to respond to student suggestions, and you may see students on an activity that wasn't on the schedule. Our supervisors are doing an amazing job of being flexible, revising plans and take the boarders to their requested Recreation activity whenever possible. 


We also know that our boarders need down-time and we ensure they have this as well. Our supervisors are very good at judging when they need to move and when they need to have down-time.