Property Update 

Last week our Board of Trustees approved my application for two new projects for our school. 


The first project is to install a three-metre wooden stage, with three steps down to the court level. This will allow our junior school teachers to lead Jump Jam from an elevated position in front of the canopy - without the risk of slipping and sliding in the mud currently there. The stage will sit level with our current junior playground, and the bottom step will finish level with the court.

This will not only be brilliant for Jump Jam, but also for our traditional end of year Junior Concert. I know our other teaching teams are also envisioning ways they can make use of this stage as a great resource also.

Our hope is to do this soon - access to timber is a massive challenge, so fingers crossed we can.


The second project is the installation of an extremely cool new play area in front of our school hall. Currently this is a big bark area, and is dreadfully ugly. Plants - other than our two trees - have not survived here. The trees will definitely stay.


The project will also address a sizable area of uneven concrete, which will make things safer for children and adults alike.


Below are some concept design images - the final version will be a bit wider and have some additional items and features. Our hope is this will be finished by the end of term three.




We still have plenty of mulch available. It gets richer and mulchier every day so it will be great for your garden! I took home several trailer loads and it is great stuff - well broken down and lots of worms. If you want some, it's free. Can be collected after school - let me know by text on 021779009 and we'll get you sorted.