Student Leaders

JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
JSC Representative
School Captain
School Captain
Vice Captain
Vice Captain
School Captain
School Captain
Vice Captain
Vice Captain
Green House Captain
Yellow House Captain
Blue House Captain
Red House Captain
Green House Captain
Yellow House Captain
Blue House Captain
Red House Captain

Grade 6 Student Leaders and Junior School Council Leaders

Our Grade 6 Student Leaders and Junior School Council members have been working hard this term preparing for Whole School events, Information Evenings and Fundraising ideas. 


Prep Information Evening:

Our Grade 6 Student Leaders and Junior School Council Representatives were active participants during our Prep Information Evening. They led parent tours and answered questions based on their experiences.

Our School Captains and Vice Captains commenced the Information Evening with an Acknowledgement of Country and welcomed the families into our school. 

I would like to talk this opportunity to thank our Student Leaders and their families for their attendance and assistance during our Information Evening. 


National Walk Safely to School Day: 

Our Grade 6 Student Leaders have been working hard planning National Walk Safely to School Day. They collected certificates and stickers and distributed them out to each classroom teacher in preparation for Friday 20th May. Our Leaders have also raised awareness to all students, teachers and parents through our weekly assemblies and through classroom visits.  We look forward to seeing many students walking to school on this day.


Fundraising for Kiva: 

Our Junior School Council have been working on a fundraising event for Term 2. 

All students are encouraged to come to school with crazy hair, crazy socks or crazy clothing. (Alternatively the students can come to school in casual clothes if they prefer) In return we are asking students to bring a gold coin donation. 

Please click on the Crazy Dress Up Day page on this newsletter to find out more.