What's happening in our classrooms? 


As part of our Literacy program in Term 2, students in Grade 4 are developing the ability to pose and answer higher order questions using ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy.’


In Reading, students explored the structural and language features of fiction and non-fiction texts with a focus on response texts, information reports and factual narratives. We have analysed a variety of texts including informative texts and narratives.


Students have been engaged in reading a variety of non-fiction texts presented in different ways. In Writing, students have been busy learning about the structure and features of a response text, an information report and a factual narrative. They have planned, drafted, and published text in the above formats. 




The Numeracy strands that we have focussed on so far for Term 2 have been place value, decimals, length and addition & subtraction. We have learnt to represent numbers in different ways by renaming, expanding and modelling numbers, and reading and writing numbers in words. We have also learnt to identify the place and value of a digit in whole numbers and decimal numbers to hundredths. Now, we are learning how to compare and make decimal numbers using Decimats to represent tenths and hundredths. 


For length, students learnt to measure metres, centimetres and millimetres accurately using a ruler, and to convert centimetres to millimetres understanding 10 millimetres is equal to 1 centimetre. They also participated in activities where they had to estimate length and build structures to match the given length. Students used mental computation strategies such as build to ten and doubles to solve two and three digit addition and subtraction problems.




During Term 2, Grade 4 students have been working on our inquiry unit titled ‘Australia’s Place in the World’. Students have researched and located natural and man-made landmarks in Australia and our neighbouring countries. We researched the most populated areas in four countries, and why there is growth in these areas. At the end of the inquiry students will be working in groups to create a product that enables them to share their learning with others.