Student of the Week

Monday 4th April 2022


Student NameGrade Comments
Jelena00AFor working well with others during class activities and treating her friends with kindness in the school yard. Well done Jelena!
Kevin01AFor actively participating in teamwork, by sharing his knowledge and ideas during mini lessons. Kevin is a valued member of 1A.
Evie01BFor working collaboratively with your partner to solve a challenging problem in Maths. You showed excellent teamwork and persisted to complete the task. Great job! 
Vivian02AFor always demonstrating the value of teamwork by helping others in the classroom. Keep up the great work Vivian!
Baqir02BFor working collaboratively with a partner to fill in the significant dates and events on a 2022 calendar. You focused and persisted with the task and were a great support to your partner. Well done Baqir!
Zamaima03AFor being kind and collaborating with her peers when working in a group. Well done Zamaima.
Righteous03BDemonstrating the value of teamwork by treating everyone with kindness. You are an extremely kind and thoughtful member of 3B. 
Magdalena04AFor showing excellent commitment to working with her peers in a team, by sharing her ideas,  listening to other and supporting team members when needed. Well Done Magdalena!
Nadia04BFor working collaboratively with her peers by sharing her knowledge and supporting and encouraging others to complete tasks. Well done Nadia!
Jayden05CDemonstrating the value of Teamwork by consistently ensuring he has all equipment ready and set up during Interschool sports for his team members. Keep up the hard work!
Nikki06ADemonstrating excellence in 'TEAMWORK' by building effective communication within the group and being open to diversity by asking questions and clarifying the meaning.  Well Done Nikki, your efforts are very appreciated.
Talia06BDemonstrating the value of teamwork by being an enthusiastic member of the class, and resilience by applying a positive mindset towards learning. Keep up the excellent effort, Talia!

Monday 2nd May 2022


Student NameGradeComments
Aisha00AFor always having a positive attitude towards learning and putting in 100% effort in all learning areas. Excellent leadership skills Aisha! 
Philip00BDemonstrating an improved commitment to his learning, particularly in Mathematics. Well done, Philip! 
Alexander01AFor being a responsible team leader and sharing valuable information when discussing our Lesson Zero; on things that have changed over time and how we acknowledge important events from the past. Outstanding Effort Alexander!
Liam01BDemonstrating excellent focus and concentration when completing your writing last week. The quality of your writing really reflected the hard work and effort you put in. Keep up the great work!
Amelia02AFor putting in maximum effort in her work and always trying her best. Keep up the amazing work Amelia! 
Faheed02BDemonstrating the value of learning by working hard and striving to achieve your best in all areas! Well done Faheed! You are a wonderful example to the rest of the class. 
Zachariah03AFor focusing on his work and trying his best with all set tasks. Keep up the great effort Zachariah!
Muhanad03BDemonstrating the value of learning by always sharing his knowledge and understandings during whole class reflection time. Great job Muhammad! 
Ilin04AFor being a supportive team member who sees a need and then independently acts to assist his peers. What an awesome teamwork mindset. Congratulations Ilin! 
Tarzan04BDemonstrating a positive attitude to learning by asking clarifying questions and consistently trying his best.   Congratulations Tarzan!
Tracey05AFor always striving to achieve her best in everything that she does. Keep up the wonderful work Tracey!
Iyush06ADemonstrating your persistent work ethics, even when a task is challenging you never give up. Make sure you continue with this positive attitude next year in secondary school and you will go far in life.   Great attitude and perfect role model for others to follow. 
Leonardo06BDemonstrating a positive attitude to learning and striving to achieve excellence in all learning areas. 

Monday 9th May 2022

Student NameGradeComments
Homie00AFor always being kind and considering others' feelings by helping her classmates when in need. Excellent work Homie!
Faraj00BDemonstrating an improved commitment to following classroom instructions and using exemplary manners within the classroom. Well done, Faraj!
Sophia01AFor always using her manners and being considerate of other peoples feelings. Sophia is always eager to help others and shows them respect. You are a pleasure to have in 1A.
Bielauchai01BFor always treating your classmates with care and respect and being willing to help when someone needs it. We love having you in our class. Keep up the great work! 
Julia02AFor constantly showing respect towards her peers and teachers by always using her manner. Keep up the amazing work Julia! 
Noa02BBeing a polite and respectful member of the class who always works in harmony with others. Well done Noa!
Aivyan03AFor always using her manners and following instructions. Well done Aivyan.
StarJesus03BDemonstrating the value of respect by considering others feelings when talking and working with her classmates. Great job Star!! 
Tina04AFor being a respectful and friendly class member who always uses her manners and communicates effectively with her peers and adults in the school environment.What an amazing role model you are. Congratulations and well done Tina!
Joshua05AFor always being mindful of others and respecting their feelings. Joshua uses his manners and acts with honesty at all times.
Apollo05BDemonstrating the value of  Respect   by being a supportive peer to others, always remembering and using good manners and for contributing to our classroom and community in a positive way. Congratulations Apollo
Lucas05CDemonstrating the value of Respect by putting in his maximum effort with his work ethic and the way in which he interacts and speaks to his teachers. 
Mia06ADemonstrating the value of respect by being thoughtful of other people's feelings and by making decisions based on what's right and not who her friends are.  You are a role model for others to follow. Well done Mia!
Isabella06BDemonstrating respect towards learning and others at all times.   Thank you Isabella; you are greatly appreciated by your teachers and peers.

Monday 16th May 2022


Student NameGradeComments
Rylen00AFor not giving up and trying his best when faced with challenges during writing. Keep up the good work and positive attitude Rylen!
Elias00BConsistently putting his best effort into his learning, persevering through challenges and demonstrating a growth mindset. Well done, Elias!
Nhan01AFor persisting with reading everyday and continuing to challenge himself with the books he selects. Keep up the great reading Nhan!
Serenity01BDemonstrating outstanding resilience by settling in smoothly to your new school. You have quickly become a valued member of our class. Welcome to Mackellar!
Stefan02AFor constantly trying his best with all his work and never giving up. Keep up the amazing work Stefan! 
Stella02BDemonstrating the value of resilience by giving all tasks a go even if they are challenging! It is great to see you continuously persisting with your learning. Keep up the great work Stella!
William03AFor always attempting his work and seeking help when needed. Keep up the positive attitude to your work. Well done William.
Imogen03BDemonstrating the value of resilience by seeking help from an adult when she is unsure of a task. Great job Imogen!! 
JJ04AFor becoming a more responsible student who is beginning to make a positive effort to show respect to his peers and teachers.Keep up the great work. Well Done JJ!
Katelyn04BFor being a respectful student who always uses her manners when communicating with her peers and teachers.
Samuel05AFor sharing his knowledge about Resilience and the behaviour of Accepting the results of a game by creating a clip to show others how behave appropriately. We look forward to sharing your clip with our Mackellar families!!
Riley05BDemonstrating the value of Resilience by trying his best, ensuring he is punctual and engaging with interest and focus during class activities. Congratulations, Riley.
Donel05CDemonstrating the value of Resilience and bouncing back after being taken out of his comfort zone and performing a task in front of his class members. 
Jacob06ADemonstrating the value of resilience by bouncing back and responding with self control.  Keeping calm is a great skill to have under stressful situations.   Well done Jacob!
Jennifer06BDemonstrating resilience by approaching challenges with a positive mindset and consistently showing an interest in developing new strategies for learning and playing tee-ball.