National Sorry Day

Mackellar Primary School have been learning about Days of Significance throughout 2022. 


The 26th of May marks National Sorry Day and the students at Mackellar spent a week learning about the importance of this day. To commence the week we held a Welcome To Country and Smoking Ceremony run by Michelle from Wurundjeri Council and we also unveiled a plaque of Kevin Rudd's National Apology which will be viewable in our front office of the school. We have shared videos from this Assembly on our Mackellar P.S Facebook Page and would encourage our community to view it if possible.


The first National Sorry Day was held in 1998, a year after the Bringing Them Home report was tabled in parliament. This report was an inquiry into past policies that caused sorrow and pain and the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families and communities. These children are known as The Stolen Generations.

The Kevin Rudd Apology, delivered in February 2008, has come from the recommendations from the Bringing Them Home report and has been seen as a step forward in the healing journey for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


Below you will see some images of our students learning about National Sorry Day as a Day of Significance.