Mr Lucio Cicchini


I highly encourage students and families to keep examinations in perspective to help avoid unnecessary anxiety and stress.

  1. Whilst examination results will be taken into account, they are not the only data that will be considered in the subject selection process for Year 11, 2023.
  2. When students are choosing their pathways and subjects for Year 11, ALL Year 10 assessment results will be considered, together with past academic performance in Year 9.
  3. The subject advisors are experienced educators who will always have the best interests of students at heart and will take into account the many factors that have affected students in 2022.
  4. We wish all students all the very best with their examinations.

The Examination process:

  • Year 10 Examinations will run during PCG, Period 1 and Period 2 each day from Thursday 9 June to Wednesday 15 June. 
  • All Year 10 students are expected to attend school each day during the Examination period and attend normal classes during Periods 3, 4, 5 and 6.
  • Year 10 students will NOT attend PCG classes between Thursday 9 June and Wednesday 15 June.
  • Information about Examinations is provided to students via the Year 10 Student Notices Team.
  • Each student will be allocated a room to which they must report. Students will go straight to the Examination Room they have been allocated via the Year 10 Student Notices Team. Attendance will be taken in that room and then sent to PCC.
  • Each student will be allocated a specific seat (for example, seat A6) where they MUST sit. Student seating allocation will soon be posted in the Year 10 Student Notices Team in the folder entitled Sem1 Seating for Exams.
  • Any student who does NOT have an exam will be allocated a room to complete PRIVATE STUDY. 

Examinations will be held as follows:

  • Thursday 9 June: Religious Education (PCG, P1 and P2)
  • Friday 10 June: English (PCG, Extended PCG, P1 and P2)
  • Monday 13 June: Mathematics (PCG, P1 and P2)
  • Tuesday 14 June: Science (PCG, P1 and P2)
  • Wednesday 15 June: Humanities (PCG, P1 and P2)


  • Due to examinations, missed assessments (catch up assessments) will be conducted each day at 8:00am in the RNDM Theatre until Friday 17 June.
  • Students who are feeling unwell should not attend school to complete an assessment, this particularly applies to students who may be experiencing a sore throat, cough and/or respiratory symptoms.
  • Parents/caregivers are requested to email their ADP with an explanation of why their child has missed the assessment.
  • A student who misses an assessment is expected to complete a catch up assessment on their first day back to the College, where possible. Students must complete the catch up assessments within three school days of returning to the College. However, the College understands that some students with three or more assessments may require a few more days to complete the missed assessments. Please contact the relevant Assistant Deputy Principal for each year level if you have any queries.
  • The mark (result) achieved by the student for the catch up assessment will count toward the calculation of the student’s final mark and grade. However, as you can appreciate, students cannot complete a missed assessment and have the mark count once the teacher has handed back the missed assessments to the class.  In this case, the student will receive a standardised mark for the missed assessment.
  • The teacher may change questions in the catch-up assessment.








Mr Lucio Cicchini

Deputy Principal - Curriculum