Principal's Message

Good afternoon parents & carers,


Welcome to Week 5 Term 2, or more formally known as Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese of Armidale.  Catholic Schools Week is a wonderful week designed to celebrate and give thanks for (and to) Catholic Education in NSW.  This years theme of "Our Hope-Filled Future' is extremely fitting, given the challenges we have faced over the past 2 years.  Although always fabulous, this week in particular, St Philomena's, had an extra special feeling (vibe) surounding the many events and activity celebrated this week.  After 2 long years, it was wonderful to invite our parents into open classrooms to experience first hand the high quality learning that happens each and every day at St Philomena's.


I would like to extend a very big thank you to Mrs Mary Davison, and her support team of administration staff, leaders of learning, educational assistants and students for their efforts and energies toward our Catholic Schools Week Deanery Mass which was held on Tuesday.  The mass, participated and celebrated by students and staff from schools within the western geographical areas of our diocese, was truly magical and spiritually fulfilling.  Events such as these are next to impossible to host and carry out without the support of a dedicated catholic professional learning community.  Thank you!


This week has also been an important time for our indigenous community with the acknowledgement of National Reconciliation Week and National Sorry Day.  National Sorry Day is a day to acknowledge the strength of Stolen Generations Survivors and reflect on how we can all play a part in the healing process for our people and nation. Thank you to our St Philomena's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Learning Team for their efforts and energies in organising a very special Sorry Day Liturgy for the school community.  Your support and leadership thoughout this time is greatly appreciated.


On Friday, we held our first of two Kindergarten Enrolment Information Sessions.  It was wonderful to meet new and existing families as they gained an insight into what learning looks, feels and sounds like for our Kindergarten students.  Thank you to our Year 6 Students Leaders, along with Caden Cook and Will Smith (Year 1) for your participation in the information session.  Our next enrolment information session for both Kindergarten and Secondary will be on Tuesday 31 May.  Parents are asked to RSVP through the school office.


Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to another exciting week of learning in Week 6.


God Bless


Jamie McDowall
