Foundation (Prep)

Hello and welcome to Prep C!


This week we welcomed Miss Seneca to our classroom. Miss Seneca is a pre-service teacher from Victoria University and we are delighted to have her working with us for 2 weeks.


Many of the students are enjoying beginning their day with Kilometre Club. There is a flurry of activity as bags are dropped off and children fly off to the oval for a quick lap. It is a great way to fill their lungs with fresh air and prepare their minds for learning.



In Reader's Workshop this week, the children have been introduced to reading with expression. We have done lots of shared reading to practise using highs and lows in our voices, to make our reading sound interesting. When our reading sounds interesting and fun, it makes it easier to understand what the text is about.


In Writer's Workshop, the students were introduced to descriptive writing this week. The children wrote a description of themselves, including features such as hair and eye colour, perhaps wearing glasses or even the colour of their hair tie. We also attempted a description about our school. The students came up with a terrific list of special things about our school and then made an impressive effort in writing their descriptions. 



We have done lots of work with Addition this week. The students have done a variety of activities including: a task on the iPads, using counters and blocks to solve addition problems and then a recording task to show their understanding so far.


Prep C were also introduced to an analogue clock. We discussed the features of a clock and had a go at making some o'clock times. 


This term the children have come up with some questions that they would like to learn about the body. Some of the questions were around the bones in our body, so we have been reading and learning about the skeleton and interesting facts about bones. We enjoyed making our own cut and paste skeletons.


Important Dates: 

Monday 23rd- Friday 27th May - Education Week

Wednesday 25th May - Education Week Open Afternoon 4:45pm-5:30pm

Monday 30 May - PPD staff day - no students required

Monday 13th June - Queen’s Birthday (no school)

Tuesday 14th June - Curriculum Day (pupil-free day)

Wednesday 22nd June - Reports sent out digitally

Friday 24th June - 2:30pm finish



Have a lovely weekend,


Amanda Callaway