Specialist News 


RPS wins the Lisa Weightman Trophy for Small School Division!!!


Last week Ripponlea Primary School took to the track, competing in the Balaclava District Cross Country against other schools in the area. On the day we saw immaculate speed and sportsmanship with RPS winning the small schools population trophy. This was a great result due to everyone's fantastic performance on the day. 


RPS saw success in every age group with three of our students running in the top 10 for their group: 


  • Archer Hobbs                  2nd in the 9/10 boys 2km event.  Has progressed to Beachside Division to be held next this Friday 3 June
  • Rio Keane                         7th in the 12/13 boys 3km event.  Has progressed to Beachside Division but cannot compete due to 5/6 Camp.
  • Harriet Michael               5th  in the 11 girls 3km event before the event was re run.

Due to 5/6 Camp unfortunately Rio and Harriet will not be competing in the Beachside Division Cross Country this Friday. Yet we send our best wishes to Archer Hobbs who will be running !!! 


Good luck Archer !!!






Look at some of the masks we have created during our learning about CARNEVALE! We learnt about the history of Carnevale in Italy, how it’s celebrated in Venice and about the characters of “La commedia dell’Arte”. We loved designing and creating our masks!






This term many classes have engaged in rotation group activities: card and board games, online language tasks/games and using materials to create a standing Eiffel Tower. The students have been learning about greetings/introductions, numbers, sport, food, family members, parts of the body, adjectives and verbs.  It’s been wonderful seeing how engaged students have been and enjoying their learning.





In Performing Arts this Term, we have been looking at a number of areas of the

 curriculum. Each week we begin our lessons either singing one of several songs we have already learnt or beginning a brand-new song. This is always followed up by a spot of dancing. There is talk that we may take our dancing skills out of the music room and into the outside world so stay tuned!


In Years 3-6 we have been learning about the history of Rock from Elvis Presley onwards and are currently looking at the end of the sixties with Jimi Hendrix and the Beatles. Lots of guitars and drums and even a bit of air guitar. Meanwhile the younger grades have been looking at various aspects of Rock including stars such as Elvis Presley and Elton John.



We have also been tackling the Ukulele in Years 1-6 and after 3 weeks of strumming those little guitars we are beginning to be able to play tunes. Foundation meanwhile made sailor hats and tried to keep them on while we sang “A Sailor Went to Sea” Most of all we have been having fun in the music room and there are plenty of smiles each week.


And let’s not forget our choir. We haven’t had a chance to sing live yet so we have made this video for you to see of them singing Mama Mia.. Thank you, Irene, for accompanying us on piano.




Rob Griffiths  

Performing Arts