Announcing the Acting Deputy Head

I am delighted to confirm that our Head of Junior School, Mr Don Thompson, has agreed to take on the role of Acting Deputy Head of Girton.


The Senior Leadership Team is already working seamlessly together, and Don has previously deputised for me and proven himself dependable and highly capable in all areas of school operation. Our combination of leadership is productive and positive, and I am thrilled that Don has agreed to spend some additional time in the Senior School while I am Acting Head. Don will retain his Head of Junior School position, thus undertaking a dual role for the foreseeable future.


This week in the Senior School assembly, Don addressed the students and spoke passionately about his role in supporting the success of every student. He talked about students owning their own success rather than judging themselves based on other people's (sometimes ill-conceived) perceptions of success. Don framed his speech around his working life before entering the profession of teaching. He explained to the students that while his income was used by many as an indicator of his success, it was not until he became a teacher that he understood the true meaning of success which, for him, is based on personal fulfilment from making a difference in the lives of young people.

Don brings to the role of Acting Deputy Head sound judgement and wise counsel. He has a deep and knowledgeable understanding of all school operations. Don is a current Senior School parent.


As I have said previously, running a school is not one person's job but that of a high performing team of professionals supported by exceptional staff and positive students. These things Girton has, and I am confident that future parent, student, and staff aspirations will be met.


Dr Emma O'Rielly