Baby News

We are thrilled to share some heartwarming news with our community. On August 9th, David and his wife Veronique welcomed a bundle of joy into their lives. It is with great joy that we introduce you to the newest member of their family, August Harry Coulcroft!
David and Veronique are overjoyed and smitten with their beautiful baby boy. As they embark on this incredible journey of parenthood, they are relishing every moment and embracing the joys and challenges that come with caring for their precious addition.
In light of this momentous occasion, we'd like to inform you that David Coulter will be on paternity leave to spend quality time with his growing family. During this period, David will be taking a well-deserved break to focus on his new role as a parent and bond with baby August. David's paternity leave will extend until Thursday, August 24th, when he will begin gradually resuming some of his classes.
We are pleased to share that David will return full time to his teaching duties starting Thursday, September 7th. Until then, our dedicated Maths Leader of Learning, Narelle, will be working closely with our staff to ensure that David's classes are well cared for and continue to run smoothly in his absence. Narelle's expertise and support will ensure that our students receive the same high-quality education they are accustomed to.
We extend our warmest congratulations to David and Veronique on the birth of their beautiful baby boy and we wish them all the happiness and love that parenthood brings. We look forward to welcoming David back with open arms as he resumes his role in shaping the minds of our students and fostering their growth.