School Council

Menzies Creek School Council


Nominations for 2022 School Council Members will be published in the first School Newsletter for 2022.  


The purpose of the School Council is to strengthen community confidence in the school and help to build and secure the school's reputation.  


Attached is a presentation that summarises the roles and responsibilities of School Council members, the subcommittees and key their functions.  


Being part of the School Council is a great way to get a better understanding of the school and help drive its direction and represent the broader community to ensure they are engaged and take part in key decisions that make the school and preschool a great place to be.  


The last 2021 School Council meeting will be held on Monday, 21st of February at 6:00pm, with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held at 6:45pm. At the AGM, all roles will be open for nominations and the 2022 School Council Committee will be formed.   


I would like to thank the parents and school staff that volunteer their time to be part of this important group. It has been a big year of achievements under difficult circumstances and the key focus for 2022 will be bringing back the community connection which is what makes Menzies Creek School and Preschool a very special place!  


If you would like any further information about the School Council, please reach out to Sarah Wicking, School Council President at or on 0438 446 985.   


Notice of Election will be posted in the first Newsletter in 2022

Notice of election:


Nomination Forms 



Nominate someone:


Thanks, Sarah 

School Council President