Junior school update

Heather McClure - Head of Junior School

Junior school update


Welcome to Term 1, 2022. I am excited to join the Woodman’s Hill community this year as the Head of the Junior School.  I have enjoyed meeting all of the students in the Junior school over the duration of our first week.


Throughout 2022, the Junior school team have many fun and engaging events planned including camps and excursions.   It is my pleasure to introduce you to our year level leaders team.  Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s year level leader or myself with any questions or concerns.

Heather McClure Head of Junior School
Bernie McLeod Year 8
Emily Beale Year 7
Lachlan Mika Year 9
Sam Tardrew Administration
Heather McClure Head of Junior School
Bernie McLeod Year 8
Emily Beale Year 7
Lachlan Mika Year 9
Sam Tardrew Administration


In each of our welcome assemblies this week we have discussed how we ‘prepare ourselves for learning.’ After the previous two years of disrupted learning it is now a good time to focus on establishing routines that prepare our students to achieve success and reflect the school values of Respect, Determination and Excellence.

  • Being organised students are responsible for their own belongings and ensure that they have all of the necessary equipment.
  • Build a sleep routine - regular bed and wake up times that ensure you get plenty of rest.
  • Prepare your lunch the night before. Pack a lunch with veggies, fruits and things that will fuel your brain for learning.
  • Make sure your uniform is laid out the night before.
  • Eat a breakfast before leaving home or attend breakfast club at school.
  • Have a timetable at home so you are able to pack your bag with supplies for the following day.

A reminder that students are required to be in full school uniform each day. Should students be out of uniform for any reason they are required to bring a note from their Parent/ Guardian and present at the Year Level Leaders office for a uniform pass.


Should you be having any issues purchasing uniform, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant year level leader or wellbeing team.


Compass will be our main communication tool - please login in regularly to check for information and school updates including the newsletter. If for any reason you are unable to login to compass or need to reset your password, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team.


Heather McClure

Head of Junior school