A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,

Our students and staff have settled well into school life.  Even though we have had students and staff away at different times, we have been able to manage and ensure all classes have had a teacher.  Many thanks to our teachers who have supported others during this time.


We are organising the 3/4 Camp and we will give you dates as soon as it has been confirmed.


Sports Day Reminder:


Juniors (Foundation-2) Clothes - Green polo, Black shorts, white socks and runners to be worn on Tuesday and Wednesday.


Middle and Senior Classes - Sports Clothes to be worn on Wednesday and Thursday.


Thankyou for all parents in ensuring children are at school at 8.50am.  The first bell goes then and the second bell around 8.55am.  It makes it a very settled classroom if children are at school at the correct time and ready to learn.


We will inform you of the latest protocols regarding school when the Victorian Government announce the latest updates later this week.  We thank parents for ensuring they wear masks when they can't physical distance in the busy drop off and pick up times.  This is certainly helping to ensure our students and staff are kept safe.

ICAS Assessment

Last year we had 17 students participate in the ICAS Mathematics Assessment. ICAS Certificates have only arrived earlier this week.


We would like to congratulate Rajveer Sidhu who earned a Distinction.  Rajveer got the highest for score for Mathematics for our school.


Congratulations to the following children who received a Credit.  A great result!

  • Imogen Sargeant
  • Sumeet Kaur
  • Vinay Mathew

Well done to the following students who received a Merit

  • Cooper Garner 
  • Nitya Advani 

English ICAS Assessment results 

Congratulations to Imogen Sargeant who earned a Distinction - A wonderful achievement!


Congratulations to the following students who earned a Credit:

  • Rajveer Sidhu
  • Vinay Mathew
  • Nitya Advani

Well done to Cooper Garner who earned a Merit.


Well done to all children who participated in these Assessments.



We would like you to meet our Staff for 2022


Paula Stevenson - Principal

Joel Brian - Deputy Principal

Paula Stevenson - Principal
Joel Brian - Deputy Principal
Paula Stevenson - Principal
Joel Brian - Deputy Principal


Catholic Identity Leader and 1 Day 3/4 Teacher/Tutoring

Leanne Pellegrino

Leanne Pellegrino
Leanne Pellegrino


Administration Officers

Jo Alper and Kim Wong

Jo Alper
Kim Wong
Jo Alper
Kim Wong


Junior Years Learning Community - Foundation (Savio Building)

Jake Enright - Foundation/1 - Previously from Euroa Primary School

Kate Turk - Foundation/1 (Graduate Teacher)

Millie Casey - Foundation/1

Rosy Finn - Foundation/1


Jake Enright and Kate Turk
Millie Casey and Rosy Finn
Jake Enright and Kate Turk
Millie Casey and Rosy Finn


Junior Years 1/2 - (O'Connor Building)

Mark Almond - 1/2 Teacher

Alicia Jones - 1/2 Teacher 4 Days (previously Mooroopna Primary School)

Matt Cameron - Junior Learning and Teaching Leader and1/2 Teacher 

(previously Deputy Principal at Sacred Heart Tatura)

Tim Kelly - 1/2 Teacher


Tm Kelly and Matt Cameron
Alicia Jones and Mark Almond
Tm Kelly and Matt Cameron
Alicia Jones and Mark Almond


Middle Years - 3/4 (Mercy Learning Centre)

John Howley - Middle Years Learning and Teaching Leader, 3/4 Teacher and OH&S

Liz Dainton - 4 Days 3/4 Teacher

Laura Williams - 3/4 Teacher

Brock O'Hara - 3/4 Teacher (Graduate teacher)

Rachael Weber - 4 Days 3/4 Teacher


Liz Dainton and John Howley
Laura Williams
Brock O'Hara and Rachael Weber
Liz Dainton and John Howley
Laura Williams
Brock O'Hara and Rachael Weber


Senior Years - 5/6 (Mercy Learning Centre)

Cal Thompson - Senior Learning and Teaching Leader and 5/6 Teacher

Amelia Mangiameli - 5/6 Teacher

Sam Beks - 5/6 Teacher

Ted Lindon - 5/6 teacher - Previously at Tarneit P-9 College


Tristan Dyminski and Cal Thompson
Amelia Mangiameli
Sam Beks and Ted Lindon
Tristan Dyminski and Cal Thompson
Amelia Mangiameli
Sam Beks and Ted Lindon


Specialist Learning Community

Leanne Pellegrino - (Science 1 Day)

Angela Collins - 2 Days Performing Arts and Leadership Release

Nicky Mamone - 2 days Languages and 1 day 1/2 Jones

Josh Wild - Physical Education - 2 days/2 days Perceptual Motor Program (Juniors)

and 1 day in 3/4  Weber/Wild

David Maskell - 2 Days ICT, 1 day ICT support and 1 day 3/4 Dainton/Maskell

Heather Woodman - Reading Recovery

Anthony Andronaco - Learning Support

Jo Baldacchino - Tutoring

Michelle Black - Wellbeing Officer (2 Days)

Leanne Pellegrino
Angela Collins
David Maskell
Josh Wild and Anthony Andronaco
Nicky Mamone
Heather Woodman
Jo Baldacchino
Michelle Black
Leanne Pellegrino
Angela Collins
David Maskell
Josh Wild and Anthony Andronaco
Nicky Mamone
Heather Woodman
Jo Baldacchino
Michelle Black



Rhonda Georgys

Rhonda Georgys
Rhonda Georgys





We have had some children who have had Gastro.  

Please ensure they have had a RAT test as a great many of our students have been sick and then been positive to COVID.





Kind regards, 

