Prayer & Acknowledgment

The 2022 Theme for Catholic Education Sandhurst limited is "Tell The Good News". This is related to a longer quote from Mark's Gospel 16:15 “Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole of creation”. This theme follows on from themes of listening to what the Spirit is asking of us and faith in our future. It allows us to focus on what is important and what is ‘good’ in our lives. You could incorporate this into your family discussions around the dinner table and each share ‘good news’ from your day.
Please click on the Black screen below to view 'Tell the Good News'
At the end of last year, schools across the Sandhurst Diocese were invited to take photos of their students holding signs or sharing images of the new Sandhurst Theme for 2022.
Below is a copy of the clip created by CES which shows images of our students sharing the ‘Good News’. Enjoy!
Keep In Your Prayers and Thoughts…
All our Priests, seminarians and deacons.
Friends or family who have passed away this year.
Our friends and family who are unwell at the moment.
All our families and students, in the midst of the ongoing pandemic and isolation time at home, keep them safe and healthy.
Our teachers as they guide our children during this pandemic.
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”
Matthew 21:22
Acknowledgment of Country
St. Brendan's Primary School acknowledges and
pays respect to the Yorta Yorta Nation,
as the original ongoing custodians of
the land we meet on.
We commit ourselves to actively working alongside
Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.