From the Principal

Dr. Andrew Cousins

Welcome to 2022. Although the year is starting a little differently, I am looking forward to another wonderful year at Clayfield, filled with fun, learning and creativity.  


The purpose of this communication is to provide families with a single email outlining key information about the term ahead. Below you will find information from the Primary School, Secondary School and Boarding House. 


Over the Christmas break, the College has been a hive of activity. Despite the wet start to the holiday period, the maintenance team and numerous external contractors have been incredibly busy with the refurbishment of the Science laboratories, the update of the exterior of multiple buildings with new Mondo cladding, the internal painting of the PE Centre and the continued refresh of several outdoor spaces around the College.  We look forward to students being able to enjoy these upgrades when they return to the campus. 


These capital improvements have been facilitated through the support of the Clayfield College Foundation. These projects form part of the ongoing capital refresh which is made possible by your contribution through the building levy and Foundation Building Fund. I am incredibly grateful for the financial support that each member of our community provides to facilitate the ongoing rejuvenating of our campus.  This ongoing refresh ensures that we can create an environment that facilitates productive teaching and learning. I thank each of you for your valued support.       


The holiday period has also been an incredibly positive time for our enrolments team, and we welcome 92 new students to the College this Term. 


Later this week via the College app, you will receive an invitation from the P&F Association for the Parent Welcome Evening on Friday, 11 February. This event is an excellent opportunity to meet other Parents if you are new to the College and catch up with parents you have not seen since last year. I hope to see you there.


As we approach the return of students on campus and the College comes to life for 2022 we will continue to communicate with you regularly about the COVID measures and restrictions which are in place to ensure the ongoing safety and care for all members of our community. 


The term ahead is action-packed, and I am very much looking forward to welcoming all the students and their families back on campus on the 7 February. 


Light it up and let your light shine! 


Dr. Andrew Cousins
