Middle School

Upcoming Activities
Year 9 MyDuke of Edinburgh
every Wednesday through term 3
Wednesday 24 August
Student-Led Conferences, via MS Teams
(student & staff not onsite)
Thursday 25 - Friday 26 August
School production - Clue: On Stage
7pm - 8.30pm
Thursday 1 September
Year 9 Art excursion to NGV
Tuesday 6 September
SEAL Testing
Wednesday 7 September
General Achievement Test
Week 9 - date to be confirmed
Year 9 Student Led Assembly
Wednesday 14 September
Year 9 MySelf Diversity Dash - Colour Run afternoon
Thursday 15 September
Last day of classes for Term 3, normal finish time 3.15pm
Friday 16 September
Professional Practice Day (teachers & staff)
Students work from home using Compass lesson plans
SEAL Testing
SEAL is a pathway for high-ability students which aims to challenge and provide opportunities to grow. Students explore the Victorian Curriculum whilst additionally having opportunities to engage in philosophy, ethics, STEAM and politics. There is an emphasis on collaborative learning with other academically minded students, as well as engagement in higher-order thinking skills, community-based projects, and inquiry-based learning and leadership opportunities.
To enter our SEAL program, students will need to sit an entrance test on Tuesday 6th September at the DSC Library. The link to book your spot for testing is here:
Students will sit three tests on writing, reading, and numeracy. Shortlisted students and parents will be contacted directly to arrange an interview in Term 4.
For any questions regarding our SEAL program, please contact Kristin Skennar at kristin.skennar@education.vic.gov.au
Victorian School Music Festival
Today our Wind Symphony students performed at the Victorian School Music Festival at the premier performing space - Hawthorn Arts Centre. Performing at VSMF is a full sensory experience with young musicians performing on stage under pressure and receiving immediate feedback from a highly skilled adjudicator.
We would like to congratulate the following Year 9 students, who received a GOLD award:
- Jim L.
- Lucinda L.
- Abbey M.
- Georgia M.
Expression of Interest - Middle School Book Club
We are thinking of beginning a Book Club for Year 9 students and families. If this is something that you would be interested in joining, please let us know by emailing your Positive Climate Leader, Lisa Chiuchiarelli, at Lisa.Chiuchiarelli@education.vic.gov.au
Year 9 Health
In Year 9 HPE, students will be taking part in the Building Respectful Relationships unit. It is designed to address and prevent family violence, through the examination of topics around gender, power and respect. Students will have access to wellbeing support during these classes.
Well done Year 9s for wearing the correct uniform. Just a reminder to make sure you wear your P.E uniform on the correct day.
Year 9 Parent Survey
Student assessments - as a parent, your opinion counts! We ask our Year 9 parents to complete this short survey by the end of next week (week 9). Your feedback helps us better assess students in our school.
VCE Vocational Major & VET in 2023
Thank you to those students and families who have expressed interest in the VCE-VM or VET program for 2023. Keep an eye on your email for communications from our Senior School to set up interview times with you.