Staff News

“Undokai” Japanese Sports Day on Thu 15 Sep

‘Undokai’ is one of the biggest annual events for all schools in Japan. 


At CPS, we hold ‘Undokai’ every second year and it is a great opportunity for all students to get together, generate House spirit and share the excitement and fun. 


Undokai is a whole day event and students will be gathered around the soccer pitch where all the events are held. 


On ‘Undokai’ day at CPS, as part of the Japanese cultural experience, students can order a Japanese style Bento for lunch. Orders can only be made online via TryBooking here 


‘Undokai’ will commence with an Opening Ceremony at 9:20am. 


Parents are welcome to stay after school drop-off at 8.50am until the end of Opening Ceremony


A Coffee Van will be available from 8:30am to 9:40am. 


Miho Okano