Parent Forum 

At Mackellar Primary School, we are committed to nurturing active partnerships with our families and providing parents and carers with opportunities to engage meaningfully in the life of the school community.  Our recent parent forum was a wonderful chance for this level of interaction to occur, enabling parents and carers to take part in shaping the future of our school. 


Sincere thanks to those who attended; the evening was a huge success.  The virtual forum started at 6pm. Our aim was to provide as many parents as possible the opportunity to take part and have their voice and opinion heard.  Following initial introductions, we viewed recent data sets which helped capture how Mackellar is progressing in literacy, numeracy, and student wellbeing and engagement.  Discussion was facilitated around the key academic areas and student wellbeing and engagement; ‘What we would like to keep’, What we would like to stop’ and ‘What we would like more of.’ 


Our infographic (below) illustrates the topics parents were keen to talk about.




Parents requested another forum next term which would be a great opportunity to evaluate 2022 and make suggestions for 2023.  A XUNO invitation will provide the details of how to register for the event.  I encourage as many parents and carers as possible to register and take part to help shape the future of our school. 


Once again, sincere thanks to those who attended the evening; your time, ideas and engaging conversation was greatly appreciated. The information from this forum will be used in our school review as school council and staff compile our next School Strategic Plan covering the years 2023-26.


Mackellar’s Parent Handbook can be accessed online at



Kind regards,

Tanya Lindsay-Clark

Education Sub-committee


Parent forum reviews:


‘The recent online parent forum was a great opportunity to hear feedback on how the school is performing against similar schools and the state, and it was very pleasing to see that the school, overall, is performing really well. It was also a great opportunity to hear and share some great ideas, on what we thought was working well and what could be improved as part of the overall school experience for our kids learning and wellbeing. It was nice to engage with other parents and feel that your own thoughts or feelings were shared by others.


As a member of the Education Sub-committee of School Council, I am really looking forward to the next forum, which will hopefully be run in person at the school. It is the perfect forum to continue the great discussions and provide further input on all things Mackellar!  It really is a great opportunity to have your say on what you would like to see happen for your children, and continue to build upon the already great things happening with the school.  I look forward to seeing you all at the next parent forum.’

Christine Stojanoski

Education Sub-committee



‘Excellent platform for all parents to have an open conversation that included just about everything about the school. The feedback has been encouraging and shows that the school is going in the right direction to deliver empowered and global citizens. Some suggestions made are very helpful in fine-tuning school goals and vision, such as extracurricular activities/clubs focused for children to build their social skills is one of the great ideas from a parent who attended the forum.’


Education Sub-committee


‘I am so glad that I attended the forum as I found it very informative, especially being a new parent to the school halfway through the year. It was so helpful to find out more about what’s happening and what the school offers.  It was great to brainstorm ideas because every family is different with different circumstances.  I really like the way the school is receptive to parents’ ideas.  I am looking forward to the next forum.’

Mrs. Giovanna Tesoriero