Program Support Meetings 

Thank you to the parents and carers for engaging in our Program Support Meetings this term. The teachers enjoyed sharing your children's progress and achievements with you. We appreciate your input and continued support of your child's learning. 


Positive Partnerships Workshops ~ Autism Workshops

Attached to the newsletter today is some information about free workshops for Parents and Carers who care for children on the autism spectrum. 

The first opportunity is a series of four sessions to learn about autism and ways to strengthen the home-school partnerships. 

The second opportunity is a free one day autism workshop in Warrnambool on Tuesday 11th of October.

If you wish to register for any of the above workshops call Jess (from Positive Partnerships) on 0477 574 746 or visit www.positivepartnerships.com.au.



NCCD Parent Information 

Also, attached below is some information about the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on school students with disability.


Nicole McNamara

Learning Diversity Leader