


In Mindfulness, we focused on the topic of Managing Emotions. We learned that emotions can be tricky to deal with. Instead of pushing these feelings down, we want to approach it with curiosity and openness, realising that it’s just a feeling. 


When a difficult emotion shows up, a good first thing to do is stop what you are doing and notice where you are feeling the emotion in your body. Maybe you are feeling butterflies in your stomach, or maybe you have a heavy chest. Then, you can name the emotion in your mind. For example, say to yourself ‘I feel worried’.


Students explored an activity called “My emotional remote control” to assist them in acknowledging their emotions. They selected 6 emotions and came up with strategies to switch between these emotions. For example, taking a deep breath or talking to a trusted adult can allow them to switch from stressed to calm.


If you would like to access the Smiling Mind program at home, go to: https://www.smilingmind.com.au  



In Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships, the Year 4s focused on the topic of Problem Solving. Students participated in an activity called the human knot. They had to all close their eyes and hold the hand of the first person they feel, creating a giant human knot. The group must find a way of undoing the knot, without letting go of each other’s hands, and without hurting anyone. During this game students needed to communicate and work together in order to solve the problem.