H.E.R.D Week

Monday 29th August to Friday 2nd September

We are very excited to promote and inform you about our upcoming H.E.R.D Week during Week 8 – Monday 29th August to Friday 2nd September. Our College captains’ theme of ‘Harmony, Empathy, Resilience and Diversity’ encompasses not only bringing together all the College’s Student Leaders to plan, organise and run the week, but also aims to bring together our whole school community. In addition, during this week we acknowledge our ‘R U OK’ message to ensure that everyone feels connected and supported. We would love all students to embrace this week and get fully involved in as many activities as possible.


Tracey Cain, College Captains – Jude Mann, Eva Mason, Tanya Hidellaarachchi, Ethan Wright and All Student LeadersDirector of Student Leadership(Student leaders - College, House, Sport, SRC, Sustainability, Music, Art, Language, International, Library, Debating, Peer support leaders)


All week – Gratitude wall



Uniform during H.E.R.D week.

Monday 29th August Crazy sock day. It’s time to raid your sock drawer and bring out your best and brightest socks. Wear your best crazy socks with your full school uniform.

Tuesday 30th August Wear your house colours. More information to come.

Friday 2nd September Casual dress day $2 donation.

All other days – Full school uniform applies.

MONDAY 29th August – Thursday 1st September

Year 7 – 10 Basketball tournament

Staying active and having fun is so important for both our physical and mental health. Participation in games help to develop good sportsmanship and a sense of belonging. Given the current climate, we believe this type of involvement is even more important. Be sure to rally up some friends and join in on the fun!



Where: Indoor Gym

When: Recess


  • Year 7 tournament


  • Year 8 tournament


  • Year 9 tournament


  • Year 10 tournament

Sports Captains

Maddy Lowe, Zoe Shrimpton, Beth Weinbergs



Monday 29th August

Happy Sock day

Staff Versus BPL Soccer match

There is nothing like a competitive sports match to bring together a community. Whether you are planning on cheering on the staff or the year 12 BPL students, this game is going to be spectacular. So come down and join us to see who the outright champions will be. Between you and us - I think that the staff have the game in the bag!!


When: Monday 29th August

Time: Lunchtime

Where: Indoor Gym.


Mrs Cain and James Merakis


Mental health mural

Wellbeing creative corner


There is a positive connection between art and mental health—artistic activities such as painting and drawing are known to lower stress levels and promote mental calmness. Creating art takes your mind off your everyday life and provides a relaxing distraction. Please come and join in our art-based activities. We are looking forward to seeing you all there.



When: Monday 29th August

Time: Lunchtime

Where: J9 and J10


Arts Executive TeamRiley Daniels, Tara Distefano, Mason Montalbano, Declan Wood, Sienna Comitini, Ryan Coulter, Ngaio Sadler, Amber Herwan.



TUESDAY 30th August

House Day

Wear your house colours

Year 8 basketball tournament

As above – Year 8 Recess



Supporting friends and taking care of yourself is vital to maintaining good health and wellbeing. Mental health is a topic that comes with a stigma and with the impacts of COVID, it’s more important than ever to raise awareness and check-in with the people around you. During Aspire, students will be given an array of activities to choose from that promotes positive mental health. 


*Year 12 versus school dodgeball

When: Tuesday 30th September

Time: Lunchtime

Where: Indoor gym


*Table tennis doubles tournament

When: Tuesday 30th September

Time: Lunchtime

Where: Upstairs gym


Mindfulness drawing

When: Tuesday 30th September

Time: Lunchtime

Where: PE3


*Student signups will occur on Thursday 18th August at lunchtime in PE3


House CaptainsKaitlyn Canvanagh, Hannah Vaughan, Kaush Chaudhari, Jayant Godse, James Dixon, Danique Koops, Rithvik Kadiresan, Livinia Williams


WEDNESDAY 31st August

Year 9 basketball tournament

As above – Year 9 Recess


Four Square Competition

Staying active can improve your sleep, give you more energy and help manage stress - all helping you keep a healthy headspace. We are looking forward to you getting together with your friends and joining in our fun four-square competition.


When: Wednesday 31st August

Time: Lunchtime

Where: Indoor gym


Peer Support LeadersTheodora Koutsikos, Ashton Gordon, Melissa Lee. Kaitlyn Grunow, Shelby Vicic, Zara Merakis, Josh Wardrobe, Olivia Hart-Crombie, Jack Ratcliffe, Mike Merakis, Aimee Booth, Kerenza Martin 


House Versus House Debating Competition

Debate and discussion encourage teamwork and cooperation, which promotes a sense of community and social support. Teamwork will also improve creativity and give you a sense of belonging. We encourage you to get together with other students in your House to come and showcase your argumentative and persuasive skills.



When: Wednesday 31st August

Time: Lunchtime

Where: PE3


Debating Captains

Sara Gilbert and Michio Versluis



THURSDAY 1st September


Year 10 basketball tournament

As above – Year 10 Recess


Fun activities Mental health- a topic that is so important, especially during these unprecedented times. R U OK Day is a chance to speak up and ask the question to our peers, R U OK? It provides us with a chance to reach out to everyone in our community, to stay connected and support those who are in need. Having regular fun in your life can help you feel less overwhelmed by the stressors you face. This can help you change your attitude toward your lifestyle stressors so that you're less reactive to stress when you experience it. Head down to the indoor gym and join in with all of our fun activities.



When: Thursday 1st September

Time: Lunchtime

Where: Indoor Gym

Activities: A range of fun activities.


Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness improves well-being.

Increasing your capacity for mindfulness supports many attitudes that contribute to a satisfied life. Being mindful makes it easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur, helps you become fully engaged in activities, and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events. By focusing on the here and now, many people who practice mindfulness find that they are less likely to get caught up in worries about the future or regrets over the past, are less preoccupied with concerns about success and self-esteem, and are better able to form deep connections with others. Come and join us in PE3 for some relaxing ‘me’ time.


When: Thursday 1st September

Time: Lunchtime

Where: PE3

Activities: Mindfulness meditation.


SRC executive and SRC Team

Dustin Kim, Chloe Wu, Yousouf Palitanawala, Laksheya Dayashanker



FRIDAY 2nd September

Casual dress day - $2 donation.


Henna Art

As a traditional art style with strong ties to many cultures, the Language and International Captains have chosen Henna Art for our contribution to Community Week. Henna art celebrates the joyous gathering of people and symbolises good health and prosperity. Our Henna artists will be using white henna instead of traditional brown henna, ensuring there are NO hazardous chemicals and is completely safe. 


When: Friday 1st September

Time: Recess 

Where: PE3

  • We recommend that if you do have sensitive skin or any significant skin allergies to please refrain from getting henna done. We value your safety above anything else. 

Language and International CaptainsTara Metaxas, Anesshae Prekkash, Natalie Han, Anya Palekar


Music Madness

Get Excited Everyone!

Brentwoods ICONIC Music Madness is in H.E.R.D Week, and we can't wait to showcase the incredible talent our student and teachers. Music is a universal language and has no boundaries. Music provides people with a vehicle to express their emotions in performance or simply a way to deal with everyday stresses. We can't wait to come together with you to celebrate the musical talents of our college community.



When: Friday 2nd September

ime: Period 3 and Period 4. More details to come.

Where: Brentwood Secondary College. Location TBC

What: A Showcase of student and teachers’ musical talents


Music Captains

Jack Campbell, Jasmin Bhoday, Wendy Vu



Whole school Picnic 

Being in nature can help clear your head and bring you into the present moment as well as aiding de-stressing and relaxation. Likewise, sharing a meal with friends can bring with it great joy. The Brentwood Green team would love for you to join us outside with a group of friends to enjoy their company, food and music. So organise your friends, a picnic blanket and join us on the oval for a relaxing picnic lunch.



When: Friday 2nd September 

Where: College OvalTime: Lunchtime

What: Picnic with friends on the oval 

BYO Picnic blanket. 

DUE TO COVID restrictions - Food must be individually provided and eaten

We look forward to you joining us.


Sustainability Captains,

Dominique Elliott, Brendan Davies


Face Painting


When: Friday 2nd September

Where: College Oval

Time: Lunchtime

What: Come and get your face painted.


Arts Executive TeamRiley Daniels, Tara Distefano, Mason Montalbano, Declan Wood, Sienna Comitini, Ryan Coulter, Ngaio Sadler, Amber Herwan.



All week

Gratitude Wall

Showing gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships. During the week, we invite you to visit the library and write a message of gratitude to one of your fellow students or teachers. They will love it!



When: All H.E.R.D week

Where: College Library

Time: Recess and Lunchtime


Library Captains

Dominique Elliott, Aanya Bedi