Around The College

The SRC will be selling RUOK day wristbands all next week as detailed below.
When: Monday 22nd August to Friday 26th August
Time: Recess and First half of lunch
Cost: $2Where: Western and Eastern courtyards
Show your support for mental health awareness and purchase these wristbands! The SRC Team
Cybersafety Article
On the 9th of August, all 300 year Sevens were brought together by the Victoria Police to discuss the issue of Cyberbullying and Cybersafety. This incursion provided students with the knowledge and confidence of how to cope with current real-life situations regarding cyber safety. The police officers created a slideshow featuring videos, charts, and many helpline services for anyone in need of assistance. To conclude the incursion, the police officers gave the year Sevens the opportunity to ask any questions about Cybersafety, (although this quickly switched to more personal questions which related to what life was like as a police officer and different cases they handled and their weapons). The officer happily explained to all the students about life in the shoes of a ‘cop’ and spoke about many different interesting situations and weapons. This incursion was presented by the Victoria Police in an interesting and engaging way and was a great contribution to the students understanding of their own safety and others.
Ava Barry, 7E1
This week is ‘National Science Week’!
Where does bad light end up…... in prism!
National Science Week is Australia's annual celebration of science and technology, and students came along at lunchtimes to join in the pHun! Students made optical fibres from hot glue and jelly and saw how light moved through these substances. They watched Ms Emerton play with ‘fire’, saw the magic of chemistry through ‘Elephant’s toothpaste’ and ‘Lemon Volcanoes’, played in a super science kahoot as well as periodic table scrabble activities.
A massive thank you to our student helpers from 9E1 and 9E2 for their assistance during the week: Audriana Phan, Tharuki Govinnage, Liliana Tedford, Caitlin Wong, Mingxin Liu, Nicholas Adipranata, Arvind Indukuri, Logan Lim, Lexi Athanasopoulos and Sharmi Kantheepan.
Miss Ioannidis
Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Hike – Bunyip State Park
On Thursday 4th, 70 Year 9 students and staff ventured off to participate in the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Overnight Practice Hike at Bunyip State Park. For the first 5 minutes of the hike, the weather decided to test our wet weather gear before clearing to a perfect day. The six hiking groups rose to the challenge of navigating themselves via many various routes, that took groups through tall gums, alongside fern gully creeks and for one group an experience of getting up close and personal with the local animals. At camp, tents were pitched, master chef dinners were cooked on the Trangias, and a roaring fire was built to toast marshmallows and indulge in smores. Our two student leaders, Alex and Jack, lead the group on a night walk that tested the student’s ability to walk without torchlight and rely on the illumination of the moon and stars. After a second morning of walking, a well - deserved stop at Emerald bakery, weary students arrived back at school, ready for a shower and a well -earned sleep.
I am very proud of how well all the students conducted themselves over the two days. Their comradery, the collaborative spirit amongst each group and leadership displayed was most commendable. In addition, I would like to take the opportunity to thank the staff who attended our hike; Melissa Warner, Charles Tran, Lucy Kenny, Matthew Lay and Sarah Swilks (Classroom teacher)
Tracey Cain
Award Unit Leader Brentwood Secondary College
Digital Symposium at Google
On Friday 12th August, two students and myself had the opportunity to attend a Digital Symposium run by the Australian Information Industry Association. The purpose of this event was for key stakeholders to discuss the digital skills shortage in Australia. This event was held at Google Headquarters in Melbourne CBD.
The two students who attended, Rhys Wright and Jordan Church represented not just Brentwood Secondary College but all Government schools in Victoria. The AIIA were interested to hear the opinions of a student planning on studying at university and one following a TAFE/apprenticeship pathway. We listened to keynote speakers and voiced our opinions on the digital skills shortage facing Australia and what we thought possible solutions could be.
Sarah Jolly