Wise words with...

Mr Paul McLennan | Head of Primary


I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6

Three years ago, this week, I wrote about a new tree planting project at NCS. The School had removed some aging and diseased trees. In their place, Mr Adam Parsons (an NCS maintenance team member) constructed garden beds and planted new ones.



Walking past these young trees during the week, I noticed they were budding; a sign that Spring was stirring, rubbing its eyes and stretching. The saplings have grown impressively. This is thanks to Mr Parson's eye for pruning, training and successive La Nina rains. This summer, they will provide shade for students to sit beneath.


Our School motto is about growth: Grow Up Into Christ.


For each young person, every day is an opportunity to grow. We work together as the NCS community to guide and nurture the growth of our students. 


Recently, students in Years 3-6 have undertaken gymnastics lessons. This week, K-2 students commenced their gym lessons. They will complete the final one in Week 9. (Save the date! K-2 parents and carers are invited to visit and watch K-2 classes complete their routines and skills on Thursday 22 September. Details will be in the next Bytes).



Watching our students go through their gymnastics routines, makes me occasionally wince. Flexibility is not my strong point. Improving it takes effort and commitment. Gradually, each week, the students improve. Encouragement and correction from the gym teacher, guides this growth. Commitment, effort and a respectful attitude are the parts played by the student.


What is the result? It is growth in understanding and skill!


Back to the trees... Mr Parsons planted, watered and pruned them, but God enabled them to grow. So it is with our students. Parents and carers work together with school staff to guide growth. Students do their part, and we entrust them to God's loving care and grace. The early Christians, Paul and Apollos, worked to help the new Christians grow in a challenging world (1 Corinthians 3:6). Likewise, parents, carers and school staff are working together and trusting in God for the growth and wellbeing of our children.

Another relatively new factor that influences growth is screentime. What enters a young person's mind through their senses 'influences' them (hence the title of a Tiktok sensation is an 'Influencer'). 


Some research suggests that many children spend six hours a day on screens. That is even before the recent pandemic lockdowns!


There are undeniable positives to screen time; however, as adults, we need to be mindful of its influence and be intentional about how young people engage with it. There is no one rule for all; some children will need a different approach than the majority. 


The best solution to excessive screen time is reading, playing, building and exploring. Do these with your children from as young an age as possible. Train them and talk openly with them about the online world. Oh, and monitor your online time because you may be the leading 'influencer' in their lives.