Student Learning around KPS 

We have been so busy!

Foundation Teddy Bear's Picnic

Foundation Museum Excursion

Grade 1 Mont De Lancey excursion

(At the time of publishing this newsletter, Grade 2 are enjoying their day at Mont De Lancey!)


Grade 1 had beautiful weather to enjoy their rescheduled excursion to Mont De Lancey.


We loved all the activities from playing with olden-day toys to walking through the homestead, chapel and house. The children experienced an olden days schoolhouse, watched a blacksmith and wood turner in action and learnt how to make rope.


The guides there were all volunteers and willingly shared their knowledge with enthusiasm. They all commented on how mannered and behaved our Kalinda students are and we were all very proud!

Grade 4 - Problem Solving with Fractions

Students designed a rectangle that has fractional coloured squares.

Their rectangle has to have 1/5 of the squares red, 3/10 green and 2/4 need to be blue.

There were lots of discussions and trial and error to design a rectangle with the correct colours.