Book Week @ MGC
In week 7, MGC celebrated Book Week with a range of bookish activities and competitions. The theme for this year's celebrations was Dreaming With Eyes Open.
Year 7 Book Covers
As part of our Book Week celebrations, our Year 7s were asked to redesign their favourite book's cover using art elements. Here's a small selection of their pieces:
Costume Contest
Wednesday the 24th saw the Costume Contest take place in our library, as both students and staff showed of their book-themed costumes!
Can you spot the "Wallys" in our library?
Visiting Authors
Gabriel Bergmoser - Year 7
Gabriel Bergmoser is a Melbourne-based author, an award-winning screenwriter, and a second-time visitor to the MGC library. Gabriel spoke on his love of reading, and his journey into publishing - and all the bumps along the way. He emphasised the need for resilience and love for your work for aspiring writers. Afterwards, he shared some of his tips and tricks for being a writer - as well as some of the celebrities he met at the 2015 Emmys!
Cath Moore - Year 8
Cath Moore is a celebrated screenwriter who recently published her first book for young adults - Metal Fish, Falling Snow. Cath spoke on representation in media, and what its like to write for different forms of media. After her talk, Cath hosted a workshop for some Year 8 students where props, prompts and lucky dips were used to generate ideas for stories.
Cath Moore was really captivating and I learnt how to express my feelings on the page.
- Maddison Bushnie, Year 8
We had a lot of fun reaching into areas of our brain that ignites imagination.
- Orla Edwards, Year 8
Ren Alessandra - Year 9
Ren Allesandra is a Melbourne-based poet, who came to the craft relatively recently to great acclaim. Ren shared some of her powerful poetry with us, including her poem Melbourne, Feel the Sound, which was performed alongside a drone show over Victoria Harbour at New Years. Ren spoke on the importance of emotional expression, and of getting out there and trying things you never thought you'd try.
Year 10 - Melissa Keil
Melissa Keil is a publisher-turned-author with a passion for young adult fiction and character-driven stories. Melissa spoke about how she brings her characters to life, the realities of publishing in Australia, fan fiction, and how it feels to look back on her first novel, ten years on. Melissa's workshop was on the topic of character-driven writing and saw our students outlining stories with their original characters at the centre.
Melissa Keil gave us an opportunity to think in a different perspective and experiment with her method of writing.
- Shelby Messina, Year 10
Teacher Videos
Throughout the week, our teachers and MGC staff shared their favourite books with us through short videos shown at the start of the day. Check out some of the videos below: