Year 11 Artworks

Cam Summers-Eve
Giselle Vonier
Gwyneth Opt Hoog
Harriet Jones
Kiny Tran
Lily Axiak
Lu Hofsede
Maya Garrett
Poppy Rose
Sasha Herbaux
Scarlett Tucker
Sophie Hallowes
Sophie Markl
Cam Summers-Eve
Giselle Vonier
Gwyneth Opt Hoog
Harriet Jones
Kiny Tran
Lily Axiak
Lu Hofsede
Maya Garrett
Poppy Rose
Sasha Herbaux
Scarlett Tucker
Sophie Hallowes
Sophie Markl

Students in Year 11 Studio Art worked from a theme and sources of inspiration to create individual ideas as the basis for developing their artworks. They explored a wide a range of materials and techniques as tools for communicating ideas, observations, and experiences through artworks.