Raj Kandasamy


On Wednesday the 5th of October, Jonathan from Victoria University presented to the Year 9 students about the education pathways available at Victoria University and about their university life. One of the motives of this presentation was to help students understand where they want to be to determine their pathway, as there are different study options available by offering both Tafe and University courses. Victoria University has multiple campuses available, which cater for different subjects as they are purpose built. This means that what you study, will determine where you study. Some of the subjects which are offered are Business, Education, Creative Arts & Humanities section, Engineering & Build development, Health and Biomedicine, Science & I.T., Law & Justice, Sport & Exercise Science, and Trades.



Jonathan educated students on a learning model specific to Victoria University called “VU Block Model”. This model means that you study one unit for four weeks, which diverts all your attention to that one subject. It also allows for greater focus by learning one thing at a time. Study hours at Victoria University differ to current school scheduling as most students attend university around three days a week. Overall, students are more engaged and satisfied which is also noticed by employees as they see the difference. An additional benefit to studying at Victoria University is that they ensure you are career ready. With working in partnership with more than 4000 industry partners, opportunities are created for students. There is also support available for students and their lifestyle such as clubs, amenities such as hairdressers, 

and financial advice support