Prep-2 Sector 



Prep The Preps have settled well into Term 4, our ‘Sun Smart’ hat term. 


In our writing, we have been looking at Procedural texts. Procedural texts help people know how to do something. We played a game of Musical Freeze and then wrote a procedural text on it. When we write we always make sure we use a capital letter, finger spaces, a sentence stopper and we make sure our sentence makes sense. 



During our maths lessons we have been learning about mass and capacity through hands on activities. We used rice to measure the capacity of different containers. It was lots of fun. 


We are constantly learning new sounds and digraphs in our Reading lessons. We have learnt the cued articulation that goes along with each sound and diagraph that we have learnt so far. We have then been using this information to help us sound out all our words.



During our Health lessons, we have been talking about our likes and dislikes. Sometimes we like the same things as our friends and sometimes we like different things and that is ok. We drew self-portraits and discussed how we might be same or different from each other.



Perseverance pays off!! Rebecca and Vania have been trying to finish the puzzle for weeks but always ran out of time. They finally did it. Well done!







The Prep Team

Year 1

In Year 1 – the students have been learning lots of new things.


In Reading, we are continuing to learn new diagraphs and trigraphs every week. We have learnt that contractions are when two words have been shortened into one word. We can identify the noun, verb, adjective and adverb in a sentence and we have continued to learn to read and spell lots of Tricky words. 


In Writing, we have been learning about the features of a procedural text. We have been unjumbling procedures so that they are in order. We’ve been making things like Pirate hats and making popcorn and then writing procedural texts that match. 


In Maths, we have investigating patterns in shapes, colours and numbers. We know that patterns repeat and we can work out how to continue a pattern. We have been learning how to skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s and now we are exploring money.


In Science, we are learning about Physical Science. We are investigating light and sound and have been making predictions before carrying out our investigations. Last week we were predicting which parts of the school were the lightest and the darkest areas and then we got to prove our predictions. 


In Playbased learning we are investigating how to be safe at home. We have looked at safe and unsafe areas in our home and are learning how to get help if we need it. We have been using play centres that help us to understand how we can be safe at home. We have made first aid kits, acted out scenes which had different problems and we had to solve them and painted pictures of our homes. We will need to learn our address and phone number in case we need to tell someone in an emergency. 


'You can if you think you can'

The Year 1 Teachers


Year 2

Welcome back! Term 4 is here, and we have had a wonderful start to our final term in Grade 2. The sun has started shining (even if it is just a little bit) so everyone needs to remember to bring a hat to school every day. Please make sure that all belongings such as hats, jumpers, drink bottles and jackets are clearly marked with your child’s name.

Curriculum Overviews:


In reading we have been working hard on our comprehension skills to help us understand texts we read, by focusing on strategies such as predicting, inferring, and asking questions. At home, to help support your child’s learning in this area, ask them lots of questions about the text such as, “What do you think will happen next?”, “Why do you think the characters did that?” or “Can you retell the events of the story in order?” 


Writing this term has been a blast! We have started a new topic on Procedural Writing. We have had a lot of fun and many laughs following each other’s procedural texts in the classroom. We have also been focusing on our handwriting, in particular the placement of all letters on the lines and using the dotted thirds correctly. 



The start of term 4 has seen a new topic in Maths begin. We have started learning about Measurement and how we can measure the length and area of things accurately. We have been using formal units like rulers to measure objects and we have had lots of fun using informal units like hands and feet to measure length as well.




Term 4 has seen us begin learning about Biological Science. In this unit students will be learning about how living things grow, change, and have offspring like themselves. We have had fun looking at our baby photos and trying to guess who was who… it was a lot trickier than we thought! Can you guess who this teacher is?


Yr 2 Team