Wellbeing Review 

R U OK Day

R U OK Day gives everyone the opportunity to check in on each other and offer support to one another. 


WHS celebrated R U Ok day with cupcakes for all. WHS has a great Wellbeing Team who support our students on a day-to-day basis, as well as implementing programs such as early intervention to build resilience in our students. 


Boys To The Bush

The BTTB program was run over 5 weeks in term 3 and gave 10 boys the opportunity to be surrounded by positive influences and the opportunity to succeed. The underpinning core values of the program is engagement, resilience and community. The participants in the group had a variety of experiences across the region including attending the Barnawartha Saleyards, Roustabouting in a shearing shed, tree planting and visiting some great places. The boys were exposed to Aboriginal artefacts and history and each week were exposed to different environments and experiences.


The program fostered a sense of belonging and encouraged mateship. All boys who took part in the program received a certificate at this week's assembly and were congratulated by their peers and school community. A huge thank you to Simon and Matt for providing this opportunity for our group of young men and to NESAY (SFYS) for providing the funding.



Youth Mental Health First Aid is an accredited first aid program for any person who teaches, lives with or cares for a young person between the ages of 12-18 years old. It is an evidence based program that leads to a formal accreditation. Wangaratta High School is proud to offer this program free of charge to parents who would like to learn how to recognise and respond to mental health problems in adolescents.


The sessions will be run over 4 Wednesday evenings from 4:30-8pm at the CLC building commencing on Wednesday October 19th. Please contact Renee for any further information renee.murtagh@education.vic.gov.au please RSVP by Friday, 14th October.

Frankie is currently on maternity leave and busy caring for her 7 puppies. She will return to school a few weeks after the holiday break.