Year 9 CLC Program Chronicles

Community Leadership Challenge by Jud Mullins

Our Year 9 CLC cohort capped off Term 3 in stellar style this Wednesday, visiting Myrrhee Primary School for a Philanthropy Day.


Continuing a CLC tradition dating back several years, gun Myrrhee Principal Ash Graham, and his entire staff and student body, hosted our whole cohort for the day. In a win-win scenario for both schools, our kids got their first opportunity to engage in helping a community group, and Myrrhee were the beneficiaries of their site suddenly being swarmed by 40 labourers. On top of that, was the social interaction between our kids and the little kids, which was as important as anything.


Upon arrival after the 45-minute bus journey, Ash quickly introduced us to his 30 students, spoke about his school, and called an early recess where students from both schools got to meet and interact. Our kids were enthralled by the unique landscape of the school, with playgrounds, sports courts and a foot oval cut into the side of a steep hill, an outdoor woodfire pizza oven, an orchard, chook shed, and it all surrounded by 100 acres of wild forest including a bush bike track. They spent the break exploring, and many found themselves being surrounded or clung to by the Myrrhee students, some of whom were looking up at our kids like they would a giant.


After recess Ash got everyone together again, explained the various project groups students could choose, and then students from both schools got to work on one of the 8 jobs they were interested in. We had 20 kids in the Orchard Group ripping out an out-of-control fern and vine. Another team cleared out the Chook Shed and laid fresh hay for the chooks. Another gang swarmed the grounds with handsaws to chop down various pine trees marked as a pest species. Others planted trees and a row of 50 shrubs along the perimeter of the property. Another crew spruced up the Veggie Garden. One posse made massive progress laying Mulch. Another gaggle cleared debris and weeds from the Bush Bike Track. And a few helped prepare and cook the BBQ which fed all 80 people on site for lunch.


It was something special to witness. In the Orchard Group for example, we had our big Year 9s working side-by-side with Grade 1s, pulling up the fern, making piles together, and then dragging it all to the Bonfire Area. Tahlia Lawler, who we highlighted on the Bounce trip for something similar, was again exceptional in the way she so easily bonded with the youngsters. Within minutes of entering the orchard, she and one of the Myrrhee kids were working together to topple a stubborn, and after considerable effort got the job done. Another of our great girls, Ivy O’Connor, was the hardest worker in the Orchard Group, and like Tahlia, she formed a strong bond with one the Myrrhee kids who remembered her from primary school. Hannah Poliseno was another to impress. One of the Grade 1s got a little upset, and the way Hannah calmly spoke to her was exceptional. Josh Robertson too was outstanding, gritting his teeth when battling a massive tree trunk and stump and eventually managing to wrestle it out the gate of the orchard. 


Afterward, everyone joined for a Bush Walk, where we followed the 1km Bush Bike Track, helping to trample the track down, and exploring their new Bush Class, completed with wooden seating, desks and a Bush Lookout. Again, seeing the way our kids interacted with the littlies was wonderful. I don’t know what it is about Jackson “Jimi” Tilly, but again, like happened at Bounce Trampolining as highlighted in any earlier CLC Chronicle, he was swarmed by a group of the youngsters, who were chasing him around giggling their heads off. Again, he was terrific in the way he interacted with them, showing humour and grace. He’d be a perfect Kids Birthday Party Clown.


Lunch Time was a blast as well. With a member of the Lions Club on site to oversee the BBQ, our kids were spoiled with choice of Burgers or Snags, with coleslaw and onions too, and Watermelon for dessert. Everyone ate together in one of the many outdoor areas on the campus, and with more bonding occurring between the two school cohorts.


To culminate, Ash thanked our students for what he described as an epic contribution to their school community. We all thanks Ash and his team, and his kids, for a momentous day our kids will never forget. Thanks to Ash again for being a long-time supporter of the CLC program. It was inspirational for CLC staff and students alike, just watching the way Ash speaks and presents, but also the wonderful nature of his staff and his students. What a privilege it is for the Myrrhee students to attend such a school led by such an outstanding bloke.


Back at school, our kids reflected on the day by writing a Postcard expressing gratitude to one of the Myrrhee kids which had an impact on them, or with which they formed a bond. We look forward to hearing about the impact the messages have on the Myrrhee kids. 


Next on the agenda for CLC, is Term 4 and their weekly visits to their chosen Community Group. To our CLC kid, thank you from all CLC staff for the way you have taken to the program in Term 3. You have been absolutely exceptional in Term 3, right from Week 1, and we can’t wait to see you excel in Term 4 again.


Jud Mullins - CLC