Netball Battle

With tensions mounting over the last week between the staff and year 12, the completion of last-minute training sessions and with the attempt to keep some star student players in for lunchtime detention, it was time to take to the court! 


And from the beginning both sides came out firing - Mr Paola kept the pressure on an inform Jack Boulton to tear up the centre court. The game plan was to rattle an unflappable Lara Corsini as she shot goal after goal. With a quick reminder to Mrs Gales on which part of the court she could cover and with a shot of the day from Luke Grady, it quickly became clear it was not going to be an easy win for either side. The staff decided it was time to bring in the star shooter, Ms Yeates! 

The final result....a draw! 18-18. 


Thanks to the year 12 students and staff for a competitive and fun game. Stay tuned for the re-match early Term 4!