Principal Report

What a fantastic two weeks to lead us into the break.  


I wanted to further congratulate Sandy Newman’s significant milestone of 35 years teaching service – all at Wangaratta High School. Sandy was honoured last week by the Department for her significant achievement and decades of service and care – in class and on the sports field. Thanks, from all of us Sandy! 

We held our second Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews last week, a face-to-face opportunity to meet parent/carers and students together, these interviews are important as they allow teachers and parents/carers to work with one another toward their child's learning and wellbeing. We appreciate everyone who attended. If you have a query or concern about your child learning and wellbeing, please communicate with us as we want to ensure that we are working with one another for every student. Compass provides direct access to their timetabled teachers, or you can call via our Administration office. 


It was a great sight to see students and their dancing shoes having a workout on Tuesday night as we held our Middle Years Disco in the PAC (Performing Arts Centre). Held from 5-7pm, students enjoyed snacks, door prizes and hit tunes, thanks to DJ Judd. Our Year 10 students also attended to raise funds for their Malaysia trip. Many thanks to all staff who attended and to our wonderful Prefect Team for helping to organise the event. These events really showcase how our school community collaborate with one another.  


As I write this, I am with our 51 of our Year 7 and 8 students on their new annual Ski Camp at Falls Creek. It has been a wonderful two days, with great weather this morning after heavy fog and rain on Thursday. Sadly, it has just started pouring rain, but our students are unflappable and determined to head out again make the most of it. I am so impressed by their resilience and determination to make the most of the opportunities at hand. One reason programs like this are important is the skills of self-management and persistence when it is hard – learning to ski is hard, it can be cold and wet – and they need to work through the challenges themselves and with their peers. Plenty more of these programs in 2023! 

From the sopping wet!
From the sopping wet!

Last night we held our second Year 7 2023 Transition Information Night, even though I was away with our Year 7 and 8 students (but beamed in via video!). From reports received, the evening was a terrific turn out of new and existing families joining us for the evening. Thanks to Mr Paola, staff and Prefects, for showcasing our wonderful school. 

With the increased interest in our SEAL (Select Entry Accelerated Learning) program, we are now running a second class in 2023 to accommodate our growing community. This means that there are additional opportunities for us to consider applications from Year 6 students moving into Year 7 in 2023. If you have any queries, please ensure that you have a look at our website or contact our SEAL Coordinator, Meryl Herman via  


I would like to echo my deepest thanks to all for their work across this term. It has been another busy and demanding one for many reasons, but also a successful one. This has required efforts above and beyond from all, much of which is behind the scenes and hidden from most. Thank you also to the many parents and carers for their support and advocacy of our wonderful school and community.  


To our Year 12 students, make sure you take the rest as well as revise over the break for additional exam preparation as you head into your final sprint.   


Have a well-deserved break everyone and I will see you in two weeks for Term 4.  


Dave Armstrong

Executive Principal