From the Principal

Thank You P&F

New games have been added to the playground. They are now all in except for one. As soon as the target game is available it will be installed. The grounds look great and the children will be able to access these new activities on Monday. We have large chess pieces too that the P&F provided the school a couple of years ago. We have organised a container with a large dice and counters for Snakes and Ladders and Hop Scotch. We thank the P&F and all parents who have supported fundraising events. Your efforts have enable our children to have these new activities on our school grounds. The playground looks bright, colourful and inviting. Thank you.


Congratulations for Stepping UP!!

On Tuesday evening it rained and even hailed but nothing dampened the spirits of our parents who gathered for our 2022 Parents & Friends AGM. It was a great opportunity to reflect on a great year, celebrate with a lovely supper and a few drinks and most importantly thank our outgoing 2022 P&F executive and general members for a great year. 


I would like to thank our P&F for all they do to support the school throughout the year. From special lunches, icy-pole sales to big events such as our colour run, twilight Sports, disco, Mother’s and Father’s Day celebrations just to name a few. I would like to thank all parents involved in these activities those that participated and especially those that helped to organise these special events for our community. 


Special thanks to Courtney our president and Melody our Vice President. To Melissa our treasurer and the Natasha and Kirei for their combined work as our secretaries. It takes a team and we thank the work of  all those who attend meeting and put their hand up to help. The P&F 2022 have ensured we had a successful year and we thank them for supporting our school. Their efforts are greatly appreciated by the staff and especially by the children.


Their positive comments and support cannot be underestimated in contributing to a positive school culture. Positive and constructive feedback ensures we continue to improve and thrive and flourish.  Positivity and appreciation helps us go that extra mile to ensure the BEST for the school and our children. Parents play a vital partnership role and when we work together we achieve and grow.


The P&F have made a substantial contribution with their fund raising efforts this year. The money raised helps to add the extra special things for our school. This year it has been great to have the P&F fund new play activities on our playground. There is something for all age groups. 


At the AGM a new executive for 2023 was elected. I congratulate our new 2023 executive


President - Courtney Thursfield

Vice president - Raquel Netto

Treasurer - Melissa Turner

Secretary -  Kirei Reed


 We look forward to the ideas and energy the 2023 P&F will bring to take our school forward and build the vital partnership that enables further connections to form, funds to be raised and our vision to flourish. 


We invite parents to join the general committee and help our community thrive. In 2023 we look forward to having a brand new multipurpose hall. There are great opportunities for school and community events. 


We look forward to enhancing the partnership with parents to ensure the best outcomes for our students within our excellent place of learning and positive community. Let us work as one united team in 2023 as we continue to grow as a Catholic school community in Lynbrook.


Multi-purpose Hall News

With brick work 85% completed, the external change that we are seeing this week is the start of the installation of the cladding. We would really like some fine weather so that we can get this in place. Next week we may see a boom crane to add the cladding to the higher parts of the hall. Internally we will soon have insulation in place and plaster wall installed.


Meanwhile we have moved forward with our portable too. We expect to have the portable moved to another school in December. Final arrangements will be confirmed in the next week. Kristy has moved most of the music equipment into the school building to be stored for the final move in 2023. The P&F have also commenced moving their resources as well. 

Help Needed

We do have a few larger items such as four storage racks and an organ to move from the music room. If you can help with moving this after school, we would love your assistance. Please call the office and let us know when you can do this. We would need at least two people but four would be great.


Friday was Corina's last day with us before she takes up a job working from home. LS3 seniors farewelled Corina and thanked her at Morning Gathering on Thursday. The children were able to also thank Corina at our Assembly on Friday. We will miss Corina at St Francis de Sales and are very thankful for all she has contributed to our school. We especially thank her for her work with our children who need some extra support. Best wishes for the future Corina.


Have a great weekend.  



Christine White
