
Warrnambool Sporting Clays School Competition

King's College in partnership with the Warrnambool SSAA hosted the Warrnambool Sporting Clays School competition. It was a great day out where the students got to compete in a new clay target discipline of sporting clays. As an inaugural event, King's and the Warrnambool SSAA wanted to start small and invited several schools from the local area. 


On the day we had students representing King's College, Emmanuel College, Brauer College and Cobden Tech. All participants relished the day and the discipline. All schools received some sort of prize for their competitors, including our own Year 12 student, Ava, who took second place for Senior girls in her first ever Clay Target competition. 


We also had the privilege of having Australian Olympic Clay Target shooter Penny Smith (former King's Student) come to speak to the competitors and share with them her journey to success in her field. She was insightful, inspiring and encouraging to all students, staff and volunteers. We look forward to hosting this again next year with planning in place for a different time of year.


Marko Wakim
