Years F/1 

Week 6

We have been very busy completing our end of year assessment pieces ready for Ms Ferrier to write reports. On Monday morning, we began with an assessment writing task. We read the dreamtime story, 'Why Koala has a Stumpy Tail'. We then used pictures to practise retelling the events in order. Then the students began to write about the story without any support from their teacher. This really allows students to demonstrate all the writing skills they have learned this year. They were amazing stories showing terrific use of punctuation, descriptive words and super sounding out skills.


Our week has been very busy practising for our school play and we were extremely excited to be on stage. Here is the our writing about our school play!


Ivy - Last night, we did our play. It was called 'The Golden Plan'. My favourite dance was 'Better when I am dancing'. I had supper after the play. 


Rocco - I saw Mum, Dad, Nan and Pop. Dad gave me a thumbs up. 


Sienna - Last night I had fun at the concert. The play was called 

'The Golden Plan'. My favourite dance was 'I feel better when I am dancing' and when I did my sheep dance. I was a bit scared. After the show finished I had supper. I went to the playground to go to the flying fox.  


Evie - The sneaky sheep were trying to steal the golden nugget. We were trying to get the golden nugget. I loved the dancing and seeing my family. 


Edith - Last night I really liked performing with my friends. My favourite bit was the dances, they were fun. The show was 'The Golden Plan'. I was a lamb and the Year 1s were sheep. I had fun. I really liked it. My friends had fun too. I hope the audience liked it. The big kids had the most lines. 


Aria - Last night, I lost my tooth before the concert. I pulled my tooth out! The plays name was 'The Golden Plan'. I was a sheep, we danced and my favourite dance was 'I  feel better when I am dancing'. We crept out on stage too. 


Hunter - Last night we had so much fun at the hall. My favourite dance was the sheep song. we had some supper and then we played in the playground. 


Ms Ferrier -  I was so proud of our sheep. They danced and sang beautifully. They stole the show! Mrs Huf did a great job making their costumes too. Ivy, Hunter and Sienna spoke their lines clearly and loudly. What a great night!!