Nicki Chalmers

Dear families,


It has been wonderful seeing all the students faces as they have returned to school. The last few weeks have been full of emotions from each end of the emotional spectrum, and everywhere in-between. I have spoken to many students over the past week who have shared some of their stories and the impacts. Getting back to school and some regular routine has been helpful.


Again, I’d like to share this easy-to-read article relating to what we can expect from children during a community disaster, remembering that responses are not always immediate and can be delayed. 




From a personal perspective, one of the most amazing things I’ve witnessed on a personal level is the community spirit that has been evident throughout this emergency. I hope that the community can continue this into the recovery phases, and importantly, long after. 


As we begin to learn to live in “flood normal” circumstances for the time being, it’s important that we look after ourselves. But just as importantly, keep an eye out on those around us. Be mindful that others we encounter in our everyday activities may be struggling. A smile, a little empathy and understanding without judgment can go a long way for someone having a bad day. Phoenix Australia has a great article on how we can assist and support friends and family after a traumatic event with some great tips.




Further information regarding government support for children, students and families is available here. https://www.vic.gov.au/flood-event-support-children-students-and-families


I have touched base with many of the families that have been directly impacted. However, this event has certainly impacted many who are not directly impacted by water as well. Even just a near miss of water can and has been stressful for many. Children have been separated from caregivers. Many parents were also unable to work during this period and may be experiencing financial stress. Please be kind to yourselves and if there is anything that the school can do to support and help you and your family out, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 



Nicki Chalmers

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader